How does Maris Outsource work?
Track record |
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A history of developing innovative award-winning consumer titles |
A highly skilled, multi-disciplinary and scalable development team of over 80 engineers and developers |
Established quality production processes |
Globally competitive development costs |
Creative online solutions using cutting edge technology |
Expertise at handling a diverse range of subject matter |
Experience in delivering language versions for global distribution |
Reliable project delivery and post delivery support |
The process
A Maris Outsource consultant will discuss with you your specific requirements. After that Maris Outsource will prepare a proposal setting out the costs and schedule.
On agreement we will assemble your group and nominate a project. Should you wish, your project manager may be located in London instead of Moscow.
Maris Outsource can work on a 'turnkey' basis where Maris takes responsibility for managing the project against an agreed specification and timetable. Alternatively you can appoint your own project manager to control your group on a day-to-day basis.
Group sizes can be from 6 individuals upwards.
Typically your group will be operational within 3 months or less of agreement being reached. We will be responsible for equipping the group with high level PC's and customary desktop software at our expense. Specialist hardware or software would be subject to separate discussion.
Maris Outsource has fibre optic links to its office in Moscow, and customers having high bandwidth requirements can rent dedicated additional capacity if needed.
Communication takes place by means of e-mail, conferencing, internet, FTP and regular face to face meetings. Source code and other deliverables will also be couriered at your requested interval, but not less than monthly. Access to project plans and milestone achievements is available from the Maris Outsource secure server in the US.
Production process
A Maris consultant will discuss your specific requirements and prepare a proposal setting out the costs, milestones and schedule for development. On commission a typical project adheres to a production process for development as follows:
Russia has a large skillbase of outstanding IT professionals, not only programmers and software engineers, but also web specialists, graphic artists, database specialists, in fact just about any speciality you might need. We have the pick of the best for your projects.
Educational standards are high, people are dedicated. Highly qualified and highly motivated personnel are available to Maris Outsource for our clients' needs.
Many US corporations have set up programming groups in Russia, among them are IBM, Sun, Cisco and Apple. These major corporations rely on the exceptional talent available for delivering business critical applications.
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