Mars |
Planet Profile. Mosaic of Mars. |
Mars in StarDate Guide |
Some facts about Mars. |
Technical Notes on Mars Solar Time as Adopted by the Mars24 Sunclock |
An article By Michael Allison and Robert Schmunk from NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. |
Mars, course by Nick Strobel |
Mars: Pictures, Liquid Water, Atmosphere Escape. |
Mars Fact Sheet |
Mars: Bulk parameters, Orbital parameters, Observational Parameters, Mean Orbital Elements (J2000), Atmosphere, Satellites. |
Exploring Mars |
Image collections and slide sets, descriptive text. |
Mars Meteorite Home Page (JPL) |
Mars Meteorites. |
NSSDC Photo Gallery: Mars |
Views: Global, Surface Features, Controversial Features, Surface, Satellites. |
Daily Martian Weather Report Information |
Mars Global Surveyor studies the atmosphere, topography, geology, gravity and magnetic field of the red planet. |
Mars Today |
The updated poster depicts current conditions on Mars and its relationship to Earth in six panels. |
APOD: March 15, 1999 - Happy Face Crater on Mars |
Photograph "Happy Face Crater on Mars". |
APOD: January 12, 1999 - The Wind on Mars |
Photograph: "The Wind on Mars". |
Mars Atlases and image finders |
Atlas of Mars online. |
The Planet Mars |
Mars page in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. |
The Face on Mars |
Article from Teachers' Newsletter "The Universe in the Classroom". |
Mars missions |
Articles about Mars properties and exploration by NASA's Observatorium. |
The Martian System |
Mars description with images by Sea and Sky. |
International MarsWatch |
The International MarsWatch is a group founded by amateur and professional astronomers more than 30 years ago to facilitate better communication between the amateur and professional Mars observing communities. The primary purpose of this project is frequent CCD imaging of Mars in order to monitor the planet's atmospheric dust and cloud activity. |
Malin Space Science Systems |
Malin Space Science Systems (MSSS) designs, develops, and operates instruments that fly on robotic spacecraft. The website provides a lot of images from Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) which MSSS operates. |
Pretty Green Mineral -- Pretty Dry Mars? |
An article by Linda M.V. Martel at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Mars Society |
The purpose of the Mars Society is to further the goal of the exploration and settlement of the Red Planet. |
Images of Mars and All Available Satellites |
Mars images from various missions by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
Missions to Mars - Explore the Cosmos | The Planetary Society |
List of missions to Mars by the Planetary Society. |
Map of Mars landing sites |
Mars landing sites by Wm. Robert Johnston. |
Center for Mars Exploration |
Mars concept maps, digital atlases of Mars, images from Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter, Mars movies and other information on Mars by NASA Ames Research Center. |
Whole Mars Catalog |
A daily listing of news stories, mission updates and scientific information on Mars by SpaceRef Interactive Inc. |
Mars Exploration: Home |
NASA's Mars exploration website. Science goals for Mars exploration, current Mars missions information, Mars images and videos.
Mars Observing FAQ and Links: 2003 Opposition |
Information for Mars observers and links to Mars observing information and Mars maps from the Shallowsky.com |
HubbleSite - News Releases about Mars |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to Mars including images made by HST. |
Explore Mars: Mars missions and Mars Geology |
The Explore Mars web site is home to a variety of articles and data tables about the planet Mars. In addition, you can use the Mars Database of Named Features to access basic information on over 1400 named features on Mars. Provided by Astrodigital. |
Exploring Mars, the Red Planet |
Articles about planet Mars and its exploration by Space Today Online. |
What Do We Know About Mars? |
An article by NASA's Science Mission Directorate. |
Mars Image Gallery |
This page contains some of the latest or greatest Mars images obtained from groundbased observatories and the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as links to other pages related to the International Amateur-Professional Marswatch Project. A web page by James Bell. |
Mars Nomenclature Table of Contents |
Mars nomenclature from Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. |
The Solar System: Mars |
New York Times articles and links to relevant resources about Mars. |
Adventures on Mars - The next stop in our solar system |
TIME Magazine articles on Mars exploration. |
Mars |
News stories about Mars published by Universe Today. |
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Home |
NASA's home page for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which was launched on August 12, 2005. |
Mars online books |
Online Books on Planetary and Lunar Science and Exploration at National Space Science Data Center web site. |
Red Planet's Ancient Equator Located - Scientific American article |
The Red Planet has never been a particularly spherical one. Indeed, its shape has changed numerous times over its history and its polar axis has wandered significantly. New findings have revealed the locations of Mars's ancient poles, a finding that could shed light on the amount of underground water on the planet. |
Mars |
Information on Mars by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Mars -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Articles on Mars from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Mars |
Articles on Mars in the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - Mars |
A brief introduction to Mars at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery by William Sheehan |
An online book by University of Arizona Press. |
MarsNews.com :: NewsWire for the New Frontier |
Latest news, mission overviews and articles on various aspects of Mars research. |
Image maps of Mars provided by USGS Astrogeology Research Program. |
The Mars: Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of Mars from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
Years of Observing Combined Into Best-Yet Look at Mars Canyon - NASA/JPL News Release |
A new view of the biggest canyon in the solar system, merging hundreds of photos from NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, offers scientists and the public an online resource for exploring the entire canyon in detail. |
Darian calendar for Mars was created by Thomas Gangale. |
Mars, Mars, Mars! All About the Red Planet |
This site will give you a complete look at the planet Mars: the astronomical background, the history of human knowledge and speculation about Mars, the art and literature Mars has inspired, the science of--and an examination of--the real possibilities of life on Mars as best we now understand
them, and of what the significance of discovering life on Mars would be. |
Mars Unearthed |
This site contains Mars 3D anaglyphs, 3D flash movies, comparisons, and free view stereo pairs from images returned by the Mars Global Surveyor's Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), camera systems aboard the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, and European Space Angency's Mars Express High Hesolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). |
Online Atlas of Mars |
Ralph Aeschliman Planetary Cartography and Graphics. |
Google Mars |
Some of the most detailed scientific maps of Mars ever made, created by Google in collaboration with NASA researchers at Arizona State University. |
NASA - Mars |
An article on Mars by World Book @ NASA. |
Sky and Telescope - An Observer's Guide to Mars |
Not often do we Earthbound observers get a good look at Mars. It's a small planet to begin with, and it spends most of its time far away. |
Astrobiology Magazine :: Hot Topics |
Articles on Mars life research from the Astrobiology Magazine. |
Album: Mars |
Mars images and animations from Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories of the Australian National University's Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics. |
NASA's Cosmicopia -- Ask Us -- Planets and Moons |
NASA scientists answer your questions about cosmic and heliospheric science. |
Mars by Percival Lowell, 1895 |
An online book at bibliomania.com. |
Mars Pathfinder |
NASA's Mars Pathfinder website. |
Mars |
Brief description of Mars at the Journey Through the Galaxy website. |
Mars description from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Primary Mars parameters and properties. |
SPACE.com: Mars Information |
Mars stories, multimedia and news. |
Universal Sky Tour: Mars Madness! |
A multimedia presentation at the SPACE.com website. |
MSIP - Mars Student Imaging Project |
NASA and Arizona State University's Mars Education Program is offering students nationwide the opportunity to be involved in authentic Mars research by participating in the Mars Student Imaging Project (MSIP). |
A collection of the best "Face" images |
Provided by KeithLaney.net - the most image intensive private independent planetary imaging site on the net. |
HiRISE Imaging |
Mars images by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter at the website of the University of Arizona, Lunar and Planetary Lab. |
Viking landers may have found Martian life after all - a New Scientist article |
Three decades after the mission turned up conflicting evidence of life, a new analysis casts doubt on one experiment that ruled it out. |
NAU researchers find possible caves on Mars - Northern Arizona University |
Applying techniques used to scope out caves on Earth to probe the possibility of caves on Mars is paying off. NAU researchers Glen Cushing and Jut Wynne, working at the U.S. Geological Survey, propose that photos from the Mars Odyssey mission reveal football-field size holes that could be entrances to caves. |
Mars Anomaly Research |
"...All this growing evidence record is trying to accomplish is to bring to increased public awareness the hard visual evidence that we are not being told about at official level, evidence that it is all being sourced right from their own official science data". |
Mars Profiler - interactive observing tool by Sky and Telescope |
This map depicts the Martian hemisphere facing Earth for the entered date, time and telescope type. |
Earth and Mars distinct to the core - Astronomy Magazine article |
New research uses silicon isotopes to distinguish between the formation of Earth's core and that of Mars. |
Meteorites Found on Mars |
No surprise that there are meteorites on other planets. Now that we've seen them on Mars, what do we know about them and what does their geochemistry tell us about the environment
where they landed? An article by Linda M. V. Martel at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Comparative Terrestrial Planet Thermospheres. Archives of Images and Tables for Venus, Earth, and Mars Thermospheres |
Recent model results that illustrate the thermal, compositional and dynamical responses of the upper atmospheres
of Venus, Earth, and Mars to solar EUV-UV flux variability. |
New Mars |
New Mars is the flagship online magazine for the Mars Society, providing articles, essays and short stories from the most prominent members of the Mars and space communities. |
Mars Data Conglomerator |
This is the Mars Data Conglomerator (MDC). That means that this website takes multiple non-homogenous data sets of Mars and combines them into meaningful views. Provided by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics of the University of Colorado at Boulder. |
Red Colony - Colonizing and Terraforming Mars |
We are an international symposium, spanning students and professionals, scientists and laymen alike, all with a desire to colonize and terraform Mars. |
Mars in the Mind of Earth |
Goals of Mars in the Mind of Earth Bibliography and Website - to chronicle the expressions of human interest about Mars, to share that information with as wide an audience as possible, to connect people interested in Mars with each other, to remember the contributions of people who have likewise shared
their ideas, energies, and efforts concerning Mars with others. |
Early Earth and Mars - Astronomy Magazine article |
A team of scientists has found that terrestrial planets such as the Earth and Mars may have remained molten in their early histories for tens of millions of years. The findings indicate that the two planets cooled slower than scientists thought and a mechanism to keep the planet interiors warm is required. |
Mars Astrobiology Magazine |
Articles and multimedia related to Mars research. |
Mars MOLA Viewer |
The Mars Orbiter Laser Alitimeter experiment carried on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft produced a topographic map of the entire surface of Mars. The data for this map is available on the Internet. The Mars MOLA Viewer will download this data for you and render it as a 3-D landscape which you can "fly" through in real-time. Provided by Michael A. MacDonald. |
Organic Compounds in Martian Meteorites May Be Terrestrial Contaminants |
Carbon-14 measurements indicate that most of the organic compounds in martian meteorite ALH84001 were acquired on Earth, not Mars, weakening the case for fossil martian life in the meteorite. An article by A. J. T. Jull at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
The Martian Interior |
Data from martian meteorites and high pressure experiments give us a glimpse of the interior of the planet Mars. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |