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 IndexOur GalaxyStar clustersGlobular star clusters
NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri)
Facts and description. Image and links.
Messier Object 13
Facts and description of Hercules Globular Cluster. Image and links.
Messier Object 3
Facts and description of Globular Cluster in Canes Venaciti. Image and links.
Messier Object 15
Facts and description of Globular Cluster in Pegasus. Image and links.
Blue Stagglers in Globular Clusters
APOD's photos (November 4, 1997) with explanation.
The Globular Star Clusters information from Astrophysical Directions
Some facts.
A Thousand Blazing Suns: The Inner Life of Globular Clusters
Complete article from the Mercury Magazine.
Images of globular star clusters
Globular star clusters images by Italian Col DrusciГЁ Observatory at Associazione Astronomica Cortina website.
Globular Clusters in the Andromeda Galaxy
Data and Observing Notes by Steve Gottlieb
ARVAL Catalog of Bright Globular Clusters (CГєmulos Globulares)
A catalogue by the Observatorio ARVAL in Caracas, Venezuela.
Globular Clusters
Introduction to globular star clusters with examples by Chris Clowes.
Catalogue of Milky Way Globular Cluster Parameters
Compiled by William E. Harris, McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.
Globular Cluster Group of the Padova Astronomy Department
Includes a Data Base of Galactic Globular Clusters.
The Top 10 Globular Star Clusters
A list at the "Catching the Light" astrophotography website by Jerry Lodriguss.
Globular Cluster Drawings
Globular star clusters drawings by the Belmont Society.
Durrell - Globular Clusters
Introduction to globular star clusters from Patrick R. Durrell.
Globular-Cluster Catalog
This catalog is the Globular Cluster Catalog published by Halton C. Arp in 1965 as part of a review paper on globular Clusters. It is available at Russian Academy of Sciences website.
HubbleSite - News Releases about globular star clusters
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to globular star clusters including images made by HST.
Globular cluster
Information on globular star clusters by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A galactic globular cluster database
Compiled by Marco Castellani, Rome Astronomical Observatory. Based upon the Catalog of parameters for Milky Way globular clusters by William E. Harris.
Catalogue of Variable Stars in Globular Clusters
A catalogue prepared by University of Toronto astronomers.
globularclusters - everything about globular clusters
A Yahoo! group for discussion on Globular Clusters (inside our Galaxy as well as belonging to other galaxies)
APOD Index - Stars: Globular Clusters
Globular star cluster images with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site.
Globular cluster
Globular star cluster description from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling.
Globular star cluster concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition and main properties of globular star clusters.
Interstellar gas in a globular? - Astronomy Magazine article
Astronomers have detected what may be the first interstellar gas ever found in a globular cluster. However, the amount of gas falls far short of theoretical predictions.
Relativistic Binaries in Globular Clusters
Article by Matthew J. Benacquista at Living Reviews in Relativity website.
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Globular Clusters) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office
Images of globular star clusters from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery.
SkyServer Famous Places - Clumps
Clumps are loose collections of stars, gas, or galaxies held together by gravity. Images by Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
Hubble Yields Direct Proof of Stellar Sorting in a Globular Cluster
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has provided astronomers with the best observational evidence to date that globular clusters sort out stars according to their mass, governed by a gravitational billiard ball game between stars.
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery: Globular Clusters
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center of the California Institute of Technology.
Galatic Structure, Globular Clusters
An essay from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia by Kyle M. Cudworth.
Globular Star Clusters - Information and Observations
Recommendations for amateur star cluster observers.
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