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 IndexOur GalaxyNebulaeBright nebulaeHII (emission)
Emission Nebulae information by A. Batman
Image. Explanation on examples. The list of Emission Nebulae images.
Emission Nebulae information from Anglo-Australian Observatory
Explanation on examples. Lots of fine Images: In Sagittarius, In Orion, In Monoceros, In Carina, In Scorpius, In the Large Magellanic Cloud, In Norma and Serpens, In Ara, Cygnus and Cassiopia.
Emission Nebulae information by G. Samuel Lightner
Fine image of The Trifid Nebula with explanation.
ARNIE Database Browser
HIIREGION - Sharpless Catalogue of HII Regions
Emission Nebulae
Images of several emission nebulae.
NOAO Image Gallery: Emission Nebulae
Descriptions and images of several emission nebulae in multiple resolutions.
The Top 10 Emission Nebulae
A list at the "Catching the Light" astrophotography website by Jerry Lodriguss.
HubbleSite - News Releases about emission nebulae
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to emission nebulae including images made by HST.
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, October 20, 2003: Stellar Epochs: Shocking Revelations
A composite image shows the optical emission from the nebula NGC 6888 (the Crescent Nebula) and X-ray emission from one region of the nebula.
Emission nebula
Information on emission nebulae by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
APOD Index - Nebulae: Emission Nebulae
Images of emission nebulae with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site.
Gaseous nebula (emission nebula) concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition, main properties and examples of emission nebulae.
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