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 IndexHot NewsNews 17.04.06
Unexpected Detail In First-Ever Venus South Pole Images
ESA's Venus Express has returned the first-ever images of the hothouse planet’s south pole from a distance of 206 452 kilometres, showing surprisingly clear structures and unexpected detail - ESA
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Hubble Finds That The 'Tenth Planet' Is Slightly Larger Than Pluto
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has resolved the "tenth planet," nicknamed "Xena," for the first time and has found that it is only just a little larger than Pluto - Space Telescope Science Institute
NASA Mars Rovers Head For New Sites After Studying Layers
NASA's Mars rover Spirit has reached a safe site for the Martian winter, while its twin, Opportunity, is making fast progress toward a destination of its own - NASA/JPL
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Mars Cameras Debut As NASA Craft Adjusts Orbit
Researchers today [Apr. 13th] released the first Mars images from two of the three science cameras on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - NASA
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Hybrid Comet-Asteroid In Mysterious Break-Up
New images reveal something substantial has broken off an icy 50-kilometre object beyond the orbit of Saturn – it could have blown up or been hit - New Scientist
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Saturn's Moon Prometheus Borrows Material From The Planet's Faint F Ring
New high-resolution photos beamed back from the Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn are revealing even stranger structures never before seen in any planetary ring - Astronomy
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Exploding 'Star Within A Star'
On 12 February 2006, amateur astronomers reported that a faint star in the constellation of Ophiuchus had suddenly become clearly visible in the night sky without the aid of a telescope - Royal Astronomical Society
'Standard' Star Not So Standard After All
Vega, the second brightest star in the northern sky, is much more complex than once thought - the star is widely used to calibrate other stars - New Scientist
Dark matter hides in starless galaxies
Dark galaxies don't contain many bright stars, so most won't be found using optical telescopes. However, an abundance of neutral-hydrogen gas alerts radio astronomers to these galaxies' presence - Astronomy
Jupiter's Aurora Feels Europa's Light Touch
Astronomers detect a bright spot with a trailing tail in the gas giant's aurora, caused by an enigmatic electromagnetic link to its moon, Europa - New Scientist
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