NASA Human Spaceflight |
Primary NASA website for NASA human spaceflight projects, including ISS and shuttle programs. |
NASA Headquarters |
Information about NASA programs as well as NASA employee locator. |
Glenn Research Center |
New propulsion, power, and communications technologies for application to aeronautics and space. |
Marshall Space Flight Center |
Space transportation development, original research and technology development in earth and space science, payload and mission integration and operations. |
Johnson Space Center |
Primary center for planning and conducting human space flight missions and for design and testing of spacecraft for human flight. |
Goddard Space Flight Center |
Lead Center in NASA's long term, coordinated research effort to study the Earth as a global environmental system. |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Lead U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system. |
Kennedy Space Center |
Responsible for Space Shuttle launch and processing of its payloads. |
Langley Research Center |
Center for aeronautics, earth science, space technology and structures and materials research. |
Stennis Space Center |
NASA's primary center for testing and flight certifying rocket propulsion systems for the Space Shuttle and future generations of space vehicles. |
Ames Research Center |
Specializes in research geared toward creating new knowledge and new technologies that span the spectrum of NASA interests. |
NASA Center for AeroSpace Information |
NASA scientific and technical information website. |