Hayabusa Hits Paydirt |
After several close calls that threatened to end the mission, a Japanese craft has landed on an asteroid and grabbed a sample of its surface - Sky and Telescope |
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Supernovae Back Einstein's "Blunder" |
When Albert Einstein was working on his equations for the theory of general relativity, he threw in a cosmological constant to bring the universe into harmonious equilibrium.
But subsequent observations by Edwin Hubble proved that the universe was not static - Scientific American |
A Cold Surprise |
Ultra-cool white dwarfs, or white dwarfs with surface temperatures below 4,000 kelvins, are a rare breed. Only seven of these peculiar stars were known to exist, until now.
Christian Wolf of the University of Oxford serendipitously discovered an eighth specimen
- Astronomy |
Dwarfs Found In Colliding Galaxies' Wake |
The Spitzer Space Telescope’s exquisite sensitivity at infrared wavelengths reveals the small, faint galaxies that spring up during galactic smash-ups
- New Scientist |
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Earth-Moon Observations From Venus Express |
A recent check of the VIRTIS imaging spectrometer during the Venus Express commissioning phase has allowed its first remote-sensing data to be acquired, using Earth and the Moon as a reference
- ESA |
Shedding Star Offers Preview Of Sun’s Death |
A star caught in the act of shedding delicate concentric shells of gas as it metamorphoses into a white dwarf provides a glimpse of the fate that awaits our own Sun, several
billion years from now
- New Scientist |
Spirit Marks One Year On Mars (One Martian Year, That Is) |
Spirit, the untiring robotic "wonder child" sent by NASA to explore the eerily earthlike fourth planet from the sun, has completed one martian year--that's almost two Earth years--on Mars
- NASA |
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Magnetic Field Detected In Young Star’s Dusty Disc |
Astronomers have detected the magnetic fields surrounding a young star for the first time, confirming models of how such stars grow
- New Scientist |
Mesmerized By Moondust |
Using laser beams and electric fields, NASA researchers are catching individual grains of moondust and studying the curious way they behave - Science @ NASA |
Nine Cracks Found In Shuttle Tank’s Insulation |
NASA finds hairline fractures in the foam of the external tank scheduled for the next blast-off – foam fell from the same place during the last mission - New Scientist |