New Moons Of Pluto |
Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to probe the ninth planet in our solar system, astronomers have discovered that Pluto may have not one, but three moons - Science @ NASA, Space Telescope Science Institute |
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Infrared Glow Of First Stars Found |
When NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope snapped pictures of a distant quasar in the Draco constellation in October 2003, the photo shoot was only intended to calibrate the instrument. Those images, however, just may have provided a glimpse of the very first stars in the universe
- Scientific American |
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Volcanoes Ruled Out For Martian Methane |
The planet’s methane cannot come from eruptions, shows new research, increasing the small chance that the gas is coming from living organisms
- New Scientist |
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Exploding Stars Explained? |
Astronomers have discovered that sound waves rattling through a massive star can make it go supernova - Sky and Telescope |
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First Direct Distance To Andromeda |
A newly determined distance to our closest galactic neighbor agrees perfectly with the figure generated using less direct techniques
- Astronomy |
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'Cloudshine' May Reveal Secrets Of Star Birth |
Astronomers discover a new way to probe dark clouds of gas and dust in space, shedding light on the mysteries of star formation
- New Scientist |
Neutron Star Discovered Where A Black Hole Was Expected |
A very massive star collapsed to form a neutron star and not a black hole as expected, according to new results from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory - Chandra X-ray Observatory Center |
Asteroid Encounter Postponed |
The planned touchdown of a Japanese space probe on a distant asteroid has been cancelled at the last minute - BBC |
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SSETI Express: Power Problem |
Since Friday [Oct. 28] morning, the ground control station in Aalborg has not had any contact with SSETI Express. Thorough analysis over the weekend indicates that a failure in the electrical power system on board the spacecraft is preventing the batteries from charging, resulting in a shutdown of the satellite - ESA |
NASA Tightens Its Belt, Again |
NASA administrator Mike Griffin has confirmed speculation that even more of its science projects would be cut or delayed in an attempt to keep President Bush's 'vision for space' alive - Nature |