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 IndexSpacecraftMissions to the giant planetsGalileo
Galileo Project Information
Physical Information. Mission Overview. Science Objectives. Scientific firsts of the Galileo mission. Scientific results of the Galileo mission (so far). Links.
Galileo Home Page
OverHead View of Jupiter. New Galileo Image. Links some of which with short comments.
Galileo Quicklook
Some facts. Spacecraft. Payload. Launch Facts.
Galileo information from The Nine Planets
Some facts. Image. Galileo Schedule.
Galileo PWS
Menu: Galileo Plasma Wave Topics (the PWS instruments are successfully collecting information on the radio and plasma wave environment). Links.
JHUAPL: Galileo Energetic Particles Detector (EPD)
Menu: EPD links, EPD Data?Software.
Galileo Magnetometer Team
Menu: General Information, Closely Related Sites, Other Information Sources.
Galileo page from Mark Wade's Encyclopedia Astronautica
Some facts about mission, spacecraft, payload, financial/operational.
On Scientific Assessment of Options for the Disposal of the Galileo Spacecraft
Report by the Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration of the National Academy of Sciences.
Galileo page by CyberSpace.
SSE: Missions: By Target: Jupiter: Past: Galileo
Galileo page at NASA's Solar System Exploration.
The Galileo Mission to Jupiter and Its Moons
Galileo mission information by Scientific American.
Galileo to Jupiter
Galileo mission information by "Views of the Solar System".
The Galileo Spacecraft Mission to Jupiter
Fact file from National Maritime Museum/Royal Greenwich Observatory.
News stories about Galileo spacecraft published by Universe Today.
Galileo spacecraft
Information on Galileo by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Sagan Criteria for Life Revisited - NASA Science News article
Galileo's 1990 close encounter with Earth framed some difficult questions for astrobiologists.
Galileo (1989-2003)
Overview of NASA's Jupiter mission Galileo at the Journey Through the Galaxy website.
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