Spacewalkers Find Clue To Station Air Problems |
A spacewalk by International Space Station astronauts on Wednesday has revealed vents encrusted with residue on the exterior of their orbital outpost. The residue might
explain problems that the station's air systems have experienced in recent months - New Scientist, NASA |
SMART-1's First Images From The Moon |
ESA's SMART-1 captured its first close-range images of the Moon this January, during a sequence of test lunar observations from an altitude between 1000 and 5000
kilometres above the lunar surface - ESA |
Mini-Halos Began Cosmic Structure |
A group of cosmologists has calculated the properties of the universe's first structures. Juerg Diemand, Ben Moore, and Joachim Stadel at the Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the University of ZГѓВјrich in ZГѓВјrich, Switzerland, simulated structural evolution beginning immediately after the Big Bang and followed the growth of structures to the present day - Astronomy |
Violent Past Of Milky Way's Black Hole Revealed |
The colossal black hole at the centre of our galaxy was blasting out a million times more energy 350 years ago than it is today, a European Space Agency telescope has revealed. The dramatic discovery suggests it might well flare up again in the future - New Scientist |
The Galaxy's Youngest Globular Cluster? |
A newfound object in the constellation Cetus may be the youngest globular cluster in the galaxy, says an astronomer in Chile. If so, it's akin to a 30-year-old living in a
retirement home - Astronomy |
Biggest Stars Produce Strongest Magnets |
Astronomy is a science of extremes--the biggest, the hottest, and the most massive. Today [Jan. 28], astrophysicist Bryan Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) and colleagues announced that they have linked two of astronomy's extremes, showing that some of the biggest stars in the cosmos become the strongest magnets when they die - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Powerful Cosmic-Ray Source Found |
For the first time, a probable source of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) has been identified in the sky, says the astrophysicist who reported the discovery at the San Diego meeting of the American Astronomical Society in January - Astronomy |
Pluto's Moon Created By Cosmic Hit-And-Run |
Pluto's moon, Charon, may have been blasted off the planet in a large collision early in the solar system's formation, new research suggests. The process is similar to that thought to have formed the Earth's own moon -
New Scientist |
Sickening Solar Flares |
The biggest solar proton storm in 15 years erupted last week. NASA researchers discuss what it might have done to someone on the Moon - Science @ NASA |
Antigravity Has Feet Of Clay |
Could astronauts take a leaf out of H. G. Wells's book The First Men in the Moon, and use spacecraft propelled by antigravity devices? Some see the idea as science fiction, but major space agencies take it seriously -
Nature |