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 IndexOur GalaxyNebulaePlanetary nebulae
Planetary Nebulae
Historical facts, the spectra, the lifetime, Vorontsov-Velyaminov type for Planetary Nebulae.
Planetary Nebulae information from Astrophysical Directions
Some facts.
Messier Object 27
Facts and description of Planetary Nebula in Vulpecula. Image and links.
Messier Object 57
Facts and description of Planetary Nebula in Lyra. Image and links.
Messier Object 97
Facts and description of Planetary Nebula in Ursa Major. Image and links.
Planetary Nebula Sampler
Several rather unusal examples of planetary nebulae (images and descriptions).
Gallery of planetary nebula images
Gallery of a number of planetary nebulae that the Hubble Space Telescope has observed.
Bruce Balick and Planetary Nebulae
Planetary Nebulae Formation page. The 3-color images of planetary nebulae (PN). The cartoon showing a model of a PN.
ARVAL Catalog of Bright Planetary Nebulas
A catalogue by the Observatorio ARVAL in Caracas, Venezuela.
The Top 10 Planetary Nebulae
A list at the "Catching the Light" astrophotography website by Jerry Lodriguss.
Deep Sky Database: Search for planetary nebulae
Search for planetary nebulae by constellation and magnitude. Deep Sky Database is an online observing list generator for amateur astronomers which employs a web-based version of the Saguaro Astronomy Club's database, consisting of over 10,000 records.
Planetary nebulae
Planetary nebulae images and information from Anglo-Australian Observatory.
Planetary Nebulae
A gallery of planetary nebulae images by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
HubbleSite - News Releases about planetary nebulae
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to planetary nebulae including images made by HST.
Best of AOP: Planetary Nebulae
Best Images of the Advanced Observing Program of National Optical Astronomy Observatory, available to the public at the Kitt Peak Visitor Center.
Planetary Nebula Emission Line Catalog
The on-line version of the "Catalog of Relative Emission Line Intensities Observed in Planetary Nebulae". Provided at the website of Space Telescope Science Institute.
Planetary nebula
Information on planetary nebulae by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Planetary nebula
An article from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling.
APOD Index - Nebulae: Planetary Nebulae
Images of planetary nebulae with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site.
Planetary nebulae concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition, main properties and examples of planetary nebulae.
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Planetary nebulae) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office
Images of planetary nebulae from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery.
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery: Planetary Nebulae
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center of the California Institute of Technology.
NOAO Image Gallery: Planetary Nebulae
Images by the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. The gallery includes pictures taken with the facilities of NOAO.
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