Hubble Snaps Baby Pictures Of Jupiter's "Red Spot Jr." |
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is giving astronomers their most detailed view yet of a second red spot emerging on Jupiter
- Space Telescope Science Institute |
NASA And Partners Release New Movies Of Titan |
New views of the most distant touchdown ever made by a spacecraft are being released today [May 4th] by NASA, the European Space Agency and the University of Arizona
Colossal Dunes Swathe Saturn's Giant Moon |
Stretching hundreds of miles in length and towering up to 150 metres, the Cassini probe reveals eerily Earth-like features on Titan - New Scientist |
Cassini Offers New Hints On Length Of Saturn Day |
We all know Earth rotates every 24 hours, but scientists have long had difficulty pinpointing how long the day is on Saturn. The magnetometer onboard the Cassini spacecraft has, for the first time ever, measured a periodic signal in Saturn's magnetic field, key information to finally understanding the length of a Saturn day and the evolution of this gaseous planet
Comet-Like Asteroids |
Two astronomers have uncovered a new class of objects orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter: comets disguised as asteroids - Sky and Telescope |
'Chameleon' Supernova Had Hidden Accomplice |
The star mysteriously lost hydrogen during its final explosion and now, three years later, the smoke has cleared enough to see why - New Scientist |
Galaxies Like Necklace Beads |
A new study shows the spin axes of spiral galaxies align with filaments surrounding a void. This find sheds light on how large-scale structure developed in the universe - Astronomy |
Big New Asteroid Has Slim Chance Of Hitting Earth |
The 800-metre-wide rock has a tiny probability of colliding in just two years' time, highlighting how little could be done in the event of a serious threat - New Scientist |
The Pull Of Jupiter |
If you feel the urge to look up at the sky this month, you might be feeling the pull of Jupiter. The giant planet is having a close encounter with Earth all month long - Science @ NASA |
'Cyclic Universe' Can Explain Cosmological Constant |
A universe which has bounced through a series of big bangs and big crunches for a trillion years could solve the puzzle - New Scientist |