In A Flash NASA Helps Solve 35-Year-Old Cosmic Mystery |
Scientists have solved the 35-year-old mystery of the origin of powerful, split-second flashes of light known as short gamma-ray bursts. These flashes, brighter than a billion
suns, yet lasting only a few milliseconds, have been simply too fast to catch -- until now
- NASA |
Titan's Enigmatic Infrared-Bright Spot Is Surface Make-Up |
A 300-mile-wide patch that outshines everything else on Titan at long infrared wavelengths appears not to be a mountain, a cloud or a geologically active hot spot, University of
Arizona scientists and Cassini team members say - University of Arizona |
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CryoSat Mission Lost Due To Launch Failure |
Today [Oct. 8] at 21.00 CEST Mr Yuri Bakhvalov, First Deputy Director General of the Khrunichev Space Centre on behalf of the Russian State Commission officially confirmed that the launch of CryoSat ended in a failure due to an anomaly in the launch sequence and expressed his regret to ESA and all partners involved
- ESA |
Re-entry Technology Demonstrator Launched |
The Inflatable Re-entry and Descent Technology Demonstrator-2R was launched into a parabolic trajectory by a Russian Volna launcher on 7 October 2005 at 10:30 local time (6 October at 21:30 UT) - ESA |
Japan’s Asteroid Probe Has Steering Trouble |
Japan's asteroid-probing spacecraft has a steering problem that could become an obstacle to the completion of its scientific mission - New Scientist |
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The Best Transiting Exoplanet Yet |
Every 2.2 days, a giant "hot Jupiter" crosses the face of a 7.7-magnitude star near the Dumbbell Nebula — causing the deepest exoplanet eclipses discovered yet - Sky and Telescope |
NASA's Gravity Probe B Mission Completes Data Collection |
Fifty weeks worth of data has been downloaded from the Gravity Probe B satellite and relayed to computers in the Mission Operations Center at Stanford University, Stanford, Calif - NASA |
Ulysses, Fifteen Years And Going Strong |
Fifteen years after its launch, the grand ESA/NASA Ulysses space mission is still going strong, orbiting the Sun and continuing to tell exciting stories about our nearest star
- ESA |
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NASA Closes On Cause Of Shuttle Foam Loss |
The agency now believes workers may have accidentally nicked or nudged the foam when preparing the external fuel tank for launch - New Scientist |
A Space Station View On Giant Lightning |
The International Space Station (ISS) is the ideal setting for studies of spectacular natural phenomena well hidden from us on Earth - so-called red sprites, blue jets and elves: vast flashes of lightning striking not from clouds to the ground, but from clouds towards space - ESA |