Asteroid Introduction |
Introductory information about asteroids by "Views of the Solar System" including links to descriptions of the most interesting of them. |
Minor Planets by Royal Observatory Greenwich |
Page about asteroids. Includes descriptions of basic asteroid groups as well as characteristics and images of several interesting asteroids. |
Asteroids |
Many interesting facts and images. Asteroids classification into a number of types according to their spectra (and hence their chemical composition) and albedo. Asteroids categories by their position in the solar system with links. Asteroid table. |
StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Asteroids |
Some facts about asteroids, asteroid belts, structure and gravity. |
NEEP 602 Lecture #16 |
Evolution and Resources of the Asteroids and Comets. Classification. Earth-Crossing Asteroids (ECA). What the risk? Detection of ECA. Ets. |
How one can distinct the rocky objects of different dimensions and irregular shape, orbiting around the Sun? |
SSE: Planets: Asteroids: Overview |
Brief description of properties of asteroids and how they are being observed. |
Asteroid Radar Research |
Chronological history of asteroid radar detections and observation. |
Discovering and cataloguing new asteroids |
An article, describing projects and activities in the field of asteroids detecting and cataloguing. |
JPL Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) observatory website. |
IAU: Minor Planet Center |
The MPC is responsible for the efficient collection, (computation,) checking and dissemination of astrometric observations and orbits for minor planets and comets. |
Bill Bottke's Asteroid Research Home Page |
A page on asteroid research with a lot of images and links to related resources. |
The Spacewatch Project |
The website of the Spacewatch Project, whose primary goal is to explore the various asteroid populations in the solar system. |
"Honeycombed Asteroids" by G. Jeffrey Taylor |
An article at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Asteroid Belt Like Ours Spotted Around Another Star |
News article by SPACE.com. |
Minor Planet Research, Inc. |
Minor Planet Research, Inc. is dedicated to the search, cataloging, and study of asteroids and comets that have the potential for impact with Earth. |
Asteroid Observing Services |
Website from Lowell Observatory provides searchable databases with asteroids data. Asteroids and their orbital parameters can be selected based on various parameters. |
Images of Asteroid and Comets |
Asteroid and comets images from various missions by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
Asteroids with Satellites |
A page by Wm. Robert Johnston containing a list of confirmed and suspected binary asteroids and links to relevant resources. |
Asteroids |
An introduction to asteroids at the Astronomy Notes website by Nick Strobel. |
European Asteroid Research Node |
EARN website, which includes description of activities, data archives and publications. |
Asteroids |
General properties of asteroids in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. |
Small Bodies Node of the NASA Planetary Data System |
The Planetary Data System (PDS) is a distributed archive of solar system data, prepared in a standard format for use primarily by astronomical observers and mission planners, as well as educators and students. The Small Bodies Node (SBN) specializes in data concerning asteroids, comets and interplanetary dust. |
IOTA Asteroidal Predictions |
Latest asteroidal predictions from the International Occultation Timing Association. |
Hunting Asteroids From Your Backyard |
A convergence of technology has opened the realm of asteroid discovery to virtually any backyard observer. An article by Sky and Telescope. |
Major News about Minor Objects |
The Asteroid/Comet Connection's daily news journal about asteroids, comets & meteors. |
Near Earth Object Map |
An up to date map of the solar system displaying the orbits of the terrestrial planets and the estimated position of thousands of known asteroids - by Scott Manley. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about asteroids |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to asteroids including images made by HST. |
Double Asteroids |
List of double Minor Planets by Denis Denissenko. |
Minor planet groups/families |
An overview of asteroid groups and families by Bill Gray. |
Asteroids of the Solar System |
Articles about asteroids and their exploration by Space Today Online. |
Sormano Astronomical Observatory: MBPL - Minor Body Priority List ( Asteroids with H < = 22.0 ) |
This list includes selected objects for which observations and/or identifications are most desirable, because hazardous close encounters with our planet could be predicted or at least (taking into account the present uncertainty of orbital elements) cannot be entirely ruled out (over a timespan of the order of one hundred years). |
The Solar System: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors |
New York Times articles and links to relevant resources about asteroids, comets and meteors. |
Asteroids |
News stories on asteroids published by Universe Today. |
Unique Triple Asteroid System Discovered |
Scientific American news article on the discovery of a second satellite orbiting asteroid 87 Sylvia. |
How Minor Planets are Named |
A detailed description by the International Astronomical Union. |
Damocloids are objects of asteroidal appearance moving on a comet-like (eccentric, inclined) orbit. A web page by David Jewitt of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii. |
Asteroid Sample-return Spacecraft HAYABUSA (MUSES-C) |
HAYABUSA mission homepage at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. |
Magma Oceans Covered Early Asteroids - Scientific American |
New findings published by the journal Nature suggest that at least two of our solar system's major asteroids experienced widespread melting with more than 50 percent of each object becoming liquid. |
Asteroid |
An article from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Asteroids |
Asteroid images provided at the web site of "The Astronomer magazine". |
APOD: 2005 November 21 - The Missing Craters of Asteroid Itokawa |
The Japanese robot probe Hayabusa recently approached the Earth-crossing asteroid and is returning pictures showing a surface unlike any other Solar System body yet photographed -- a surface possibly devoid of craters. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - Asteroids |
A brief introduction to asteroids at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
The Role of Solar-System Exploration in the Space Science Vision - Challenges for Future Minor-Body Explorations |
An article by Hajime YANO at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Asteroids: Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of asteroids from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
Asteroids |
Asteroids physical parameters and orbital data from NASA JPL Solar System Dynamics website. |
Mass Estimation of Very Small Asteroid |
An article by Makoto YOSHIKAWA at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Sloan Digital Sky Survey's SkyServer Basic Science Project - Asteroids |
Learn about asteroids, the wandering space rocks in our own Solar System, then look through SkyServer to find them. SkyServer has more than 100,000 asteroids for you to find! |
Comet-Like Asteroids - a Skytonight article |
Two astronomers have uncovered a new class of objects orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter: comets disguised as asteroids. |
SPACE.com: All About Asteroids |
Asteroid stories, multimedia and news. |
New Trojan asteroid hints at huge Neptunian cloud - a New Scientist article |
A newly discovered asteroid in Neptune's orbit indicates the existence of a much larger, but as-yet-unseen, cloud of rocks in that region. The asteroids in Neptune's orbit might even outnumber those in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the new research suggests. |
Asteroids Caused the Early Inner Solar System Cataclysm |
University of Arizona and Japanese scientists are convinced that evidence at last settles decades-long arguments about what objects bombarded the early inner solar system in a cataclysm 3.9 billion years ago. |
Understanding of the Solar System through Research of Minor Bodies |
Material science research on the solar system has been advanced by meteorite analysis and groundbased observation of asteroids. One large discrepancy remained unsolved, however. This article introduces the observation results of the asteroid explorer HAYABUSA that challenged to resolve the mystery and presents expectations for future explorations following the HAYABUSA to elucidate the origin and evolution of the solar system. |
Solar Power at Play - European Southern Observatory science release |
For the very first time, astronomers have witnessed the speeding up of an asteroid's rotation, and have shown that it is due to a theoretical effect predicted but never seen before. |
Asteroid |
An article on asteroids (minor planets) by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
The Impossible Siblings - Unique Data Collected on Double Asteroid Antiope |
Combining precise observations obtained by ESO's Very Large Telescope with those gathered by a network of smaller
telescopes, astronomers have described in unprecedented detail the double asteroid Antiope, which is shown to be a pair of rubble-pile chunks of material, of about the same size, whirling around one another in a perpetual pas de deux. The two
components are egg-shaped despite their very small sizes. |
Asteroids baffle astronomers - Astronomy Magazine article |
Two asteroids orbiting between Mars and Jupiter do not fit into any existing classification category. |