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 IndexOur GalaxyStarsMultiple-star systems
Could the Sun be part of a binary (multiple) star system?
So the chances are that there exist no stellar companions to our Sun.
Binary and Multiple Stars page from SEDS
A binary star from Messier's catalog. The 4-star system M73.
Gravity Traps: Why Multiple-Star Systems Have More Planets
Authors's arguments on his views on multiple-star based planetary systems.
Binary and Multiple Star Systems
Do the exercises in measuring separation, calculating magnitudes etc. using images of multiple-star systems provided.
Formation of Binary and Multiple Star Systems
Description of multiple-star systems formation process with illustrations.
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, July 17, 2000: Schizophrenic Twins
The bright star Castor is a well known to observers; Castor and its "twin" Pollux mark the constellation of Gemini. Many people would be surprised to learn that the optical star Castor is in fact composed of 6 stars.
Alpha Centauri 3
Alpha Centauri (a triple star system) is the closest star system beyond our own solar system. A webpage by Sol Company.
There's More to the North Star Than Meets the Eye - Space Telescope Science Institute press release
By stretching the capabilities of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to the limit, astronomers have photographed the close companion of Polaris for the first time. This sequence of images shows that the North Star, Polaris is really a triple star system.
Triple star systems description from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Triple system parameters, properties and examples.
Multiple star
Information on multiple-star systems by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
How Do Multiple-Star Systems Form? VLA Study Reveals "Smoking Gun" - National Radio Astronomy Observatory press release
Astronomers have used the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope to image a young, multiple-star system with unprecedented detail, yielding important clues about how such systems are formed.
Besancon Double and Multiple Star Database
The aim of the Besançon Observatory double and multiple star data base is to provide the international astronomical community with the most comprehensive information about all categories of double stars, namely visual, interferometric, spectroscopic, photometric (eclipsing binaries), astrometric, occultation and so forth.
Quartet of Stars May Unlock Secrets of Stellar Evolution
An article by the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii.
APOD: 2002 September 11 - Pluto and Charon Eclipse a Triple Star
Occasionally, a planet in our Solar System will pass in front of a bright star. Since stars and planets take up so little space on the sky, such events are quite rare. Two months ago, however, Pluto and its large moon Charon passed in front of a comparatively bright triple star system known as P126.
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