New Kind Of Star Found |
An international team of astronomers has discovered a new class of stars--massively compressed old neutron stars that seem inactive but for intermittent bursts of radio waves
- Scientific American |
Newly Forming Solar System Has Planets Running Backwards |
Call it the biggest beltway ever seen. Astronomers have discovered a newly forming solar system with the inner part orbiting in one direction and the outer part orbiting the other way - NASA |
Mars Rover To Seek Safe Winter Haven |
As Spirit continues to explore a strikingly layered new outcrop, mission planners are working out how the robotic explorer will survive the winter - New Scientist |
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NASA's Spitzer Finds Violent Galaxies Smothered In 'Crushed Glass' |
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has observed a rare population of colliding galaxies whose entangled hearts are wrapped in tiny crystals resembling crushed glass - NASA/JPL |
Space Samples Sent Out For Study |
Scientists begin their analysis of Sun samples from the crashed Genesis probe and comet samples returned by Stardust - Astronomy |
Saturn's Inner Moons – More Rubble Than Ice |
The Ringed Planet's small inner moons may not be huge chunks of ice after all, but "rubble piles" built around small cores, new Cassini images indicate - New Scientist |
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Galactic Glow Gleaned |
Thanks to NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite, astronomers appear to have solved the long-standing mystery of what produces the diffuse glow of X-ray emission that permeates our galaxy - Sky and Telescope |
Cassini Spots Saturn Superstorm |
A dynamic storm on Saturn is blasting radio noise at the Cassini spacecraft orbiting the planet. The noise, scientists say, comes from lightning bolts 1,000 times stronger than
anything seen on Earth - Astronomy |
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Space-Elevator Tether Climbs A Mile High |
A slim but superstrong cable reaches a mile into the sky, while robots scrabble up and down the line – one day, the cable will end in space - New Scientist |
Amateurs Recover SuitSat's Signal |
Undaunted by a weaker-than-expected signal, thousands of amateur hams tune in to hear the SuitSat satellite - Astronomy |