Supernova 2004dz |
On August 20, 2004 supernova 2004dz was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 18.6). The supernova is located at 0".3 west and 2".9 south of the nucleus of the host galaxy (ref: IAUC 8395).
 30:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dy |
Lick Observatory Supernova Search has found supernova 2004dy on August 25, 2004 (mag 18.8). The supernova is located at 5".8 west and 16".8 south of the nucleus of IC 5090 (ref: IAUC 8395).
 30:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dv |
Supernova 2004dv was found on August 13, 2004 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 18.5). The supernova is located at 12".5 east and 17".5 south of the nucleus of MCG -01-6-12 (ref: IAUC 8388).
 25:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004du |
On August 12, 2004 supernova 2004du was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 16.8). The supernova is located at 3".4 west and 4".4 south of the nucleus of UGC 11683 (ref: IAUC 8387).
 25:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dt |
Lick Observatory Supernova Search has found supernova 2004dt on August 11, 2004 (mag 15.9). The supernova is located at 7".0 east and 10".5 north of the nucleus of NGC 808 (ref: IAUC 8386).
 25:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004do |
Supernova 2004do was found on August 4, 2004 by Berto Monard (mag 15.4). The supernova is located at 16" west and 3" north of the nucleus of NGC 6708 (ref: IAUC 8382).
 11:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dn |
On August 2, 2004 supernova 2004dn was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 17.5). The supernova is located at 0".5 west and 26".1 south of the nucleus of UGC 2069 (ref: IAUC 8381).
 11:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004di |
Mark Armstrong and Ron Arbour have found supernova 2004di on July 26, 2004 (mag 16.8). The supernova is located at 23" west and 11" south of the enter of UGC 10097 (ref: IAUC 8376).
 03:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dg |
Supernova 2004dg was found on July 19, 2004 by A. Vagnozzi et al (mag 16.8). The supernova is located at 19" west and 3" south of the center of NGC 5806 (ref: IAUC 8375).
 03:08:2004 |
Supernova 2004dh |
On July 11, 2004 supernova 2004dh was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 17.5). The supernova is located at 7".3 east and 2".1 south of of the nucleus of MCG 4-1-48 (ref: IAUC 8375).
 28:07:2004 |
Supernova 2004de |
Supernova 2004de was found on July 15, 2004 by Berto Monard (mag 14.5). The supernova is located at 13" west and 37" north of the nucleus of NGC 3054 (ref: IAUC 8373).
 21:07:2004 |
Supernova 2004cz |
Cristovao Jacques and Tasso Napoleao have found supernova 2004cz on June 26, 2004 (mag 15.0). The supernova is located at 24".6 west and 30".4 south of the center of ESO 407-G9 (ref: IAUC 8368).
 13:07:2004 |
Supernova 2004da |
On July 6, 2004 supernova 2004da was found by Tom Boles (mag 15.2). The supernova is located at 5".4 west and 2".3 north of the center of NGC 6901 (ref: IAUC 8370).
 13:07:2004 |
Supernova 2004cx |
Supernova 2004cx was found on June 26, 2004 by Berto Monard (mag 16.8). The supernova is located at 14" east and 17" south of of the nucleus of NGC 7755 (ref: IAUC 8362).
 07:07:2004 |
Supernova 2004A |
Koichi Itagaki has found supernova 2004A on January 9, 2004 (mag 17.0). The supernova is located at 22" west and 17" north of the center of NGC 6207 (ref: IAUC 8265).
 29:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004bd |
On March 22, 2004 supernova 2004bd was found by Mark Armstrong (mag 15.5). The supernova is located at 4".7 west and 1".2 south of the center of NGC 3786 (ref: IAUC 8316).
 29:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004ch |
Supernova 2004ch was found on May 28, 2004 by Perth Astronomical Research Group (mag 16). The supernova is located at 62".5 east and 8".0 north of the center of NGC 5612 (ref: IAUC 8353).
 21:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004ci |
Mark Armstrong and Lick Observatory Supernova Search have found supernova 2004ci on June 15, 2004 (mag 16.7). The supernova is located at 10".1 west and 2".3 south of the center of NGC 5980 (ref: IAUC 8357).
 21:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004cb |
On May 12, 2004 supernova 2004cb was found by Berto Monard (mag 15.8). The supernova is located at 10" west and 21" south of the nucleus of ESO 445-G20 (ref: IAUC 8350).
 15:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004br |
Supernova 2004br was found on May 15, 2004 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 15.6). The supernova is located at 9".0 west and 0".6 south of the nucleus of NGC 4493 (ref: IAUC 8340).
 07:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004bu |
Tom Boles has found supernova 2004bu on May 18, 2004 (mag 16.1). The supernova is located at 1".2 west and 10".5 north of the center of UGC 10089 (ref: IAUC 8343).
 07:06:2004 |
Supernova 2004bv |
On May 24, 2004 supernova 2004bv was found by R. Kushida (mag 14.1). The supernova is located at 3".8 west and 20".7 south of the center of NGC 6907 (ref: IAUC 8344).
 31:05:2004 |
Supernova 2004bs |
Mark Armstrong has found supernova 2004bs on May 16, 2004 (mag 17.0). The supernova is located at 3".4 east and 1".7 south of the nucleus of NGC 3323 (ref: IAUC 8341).
 24:05:2004 |
Supernova 2004bl |
Supernova 2004bl was found on April 29, 2004 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 15.0). The supernova is located at 7".9 east and 10".2 north of the nucleus of MCG 00-31-42 (ref: IAUC 8334).
 17:05:2004 |
Supernova 2004bo |
On April 30, 2004 supernova 2004bo was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 17.0). The supernova is located at 19".8 west and 3".8 north of the nucleus of ESO 576-G54 (ref: IAUC 8335).
 11:05:2004 |
Supernova 2004be |
Supernova 2004be was found on April 7, 2004 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 16.7). The supernova is located at 4".0 west and 2".4 north of the nucleus of ESO 499-G34 (ref: IAUC 8317).
 11:05:2004 |
Supernova 2004bk |
On April 22, 2004 supernova 2004bk was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 15.9). The supernova is located at 9".9 west and 4".8 south of the nucleus of NGC 5246 (ref: IAUC 8329).
 26:04:2004 |
Supernova 2004bh |
Mark Armstrong has found supernova 2004bh on April 6, 2004 (mag 16.9). The supernova is located at 1".3 west and 6" north of the nucleus of UGC 5161 (ref: IAUC 8320).
 19:04:2004 |
Supernova 2004bg |
Supernova 2004bg was found on April 7, 2004 by Mark Armstrong (mag 15.5). The supernova is located at 14".2 east and 7".4 north of the nucleus of UGC 6363 (ref: IAUC 8317).
 12:04:2004 |
Supernova 2004ap |
On March 8, 2004 supernova 2004ap was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 16.8). The supernova is located at 10".5 west and 19".5 south of the nucleus of CGCG 64-54 (ref: IAUC 8300).
 05:04:2004 |
Supernova 2004aw |
Tom Boles has found supernova 2004aw on March 19, 2004 (mag 16.2). The supernova is located at 27".7 east and 19".8 south of the nucleus of NGC 3997 (ref: IAUC 8310).
 29:03:2004 |
Supernova 2004ao |
Supernova 2004ao was found on March 7, 2004 by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 14.9). The supernova is located at 6".3 east and 23".8 south of the center of UGC 10862 (ref: IAUC 8299).
 22:03:2004 |
Supernova 2004av |
On March 4, 2004 supernova 2004av was found by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (mag 15.8). The supernova is located at 12".6 west and 15".9 south of the nucleus of ESO 571-G15 (ref: IAUC 8307).
 22:03:2004 |