Saturn's Bull's-Eye Marks Its Hot Spot |
NASA astronomers using the Keck I telescope in Hawaii are learning much more about a strange, thermal "hot spot" on the tip of Saturn's south pole - NASA/JPL |
Titanic Life May Bloom Without Water |
The extraordinary images sent from Saturn's giant moon by the Huygens spacecraft should make speculation about life in liquids other than water more than a scientific parlour game
- Nature |
Greenhouse Gases Could Breathe Life Into Mars |
Pumping greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere over hundreds or even thousands of years could warm the frozen planet enough to sustain life, according to new research - New Scientist |
Even In Heaven, Stars Can Only Get So Big |
New research from the University of Michigan shows that there may be an upper limit to the mass of a star, somewhere around 120 to 200 times bigger than our sun
- University of Michigan |
Lost And Found: X-ray Telescope Locates Missing Matter |
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has discovered two huge intergalactic clouds of diffuse hot gas. These clouds are the best evidence yet that a vast cosmic web of hot gas contains the long-sought missing matter - about half of the atoms and ions in the Universe - Chandra X-ray Observatory Center |
‘Nightglow’ Seen In The Upper Atmosphere Of Mars |
The SPICAM instrument on board ESA’s Mars Express has detected light emissions over the nightside of Mars caused by the production of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere - ESA |
Light Continues To Echo Three Years After Stellar Outburst |
The Hubble Space Telescope's latest image of the star V838 Monocerotis (V838 Mon) reveals dramatic changes in the illumination of surrounding dusty cloud structures. The
effect, called a light echo, has been unveiling never-before-seen dust patterns ever since the star suddenly brightened for several weeks in early 2002 - Space Telescope Science Institute |
Asteroid 2004 MN4: A Really Near Miss! |
If you plan to be alive on April 13, 2029, you can look forward to an asteroid-watching party across three continents like nothing the world has ever seen - Sky and Telescope |
Beagle 2 'Should Never Have Been Built' |
Beagle 2, the British lander lost on Mars in 2003, should never have been built. That is the damning conclusion of the official investigation into the loss of the probe in a report
that the UK government and the European Space Agency attempted to hide
- New Scientist |
The Real Rhea |
This view of Rhea was taken at a range of 500,000 km and has a resolution of about 3 km per pixel. While this is Cassini's most detailed image of Rhea, extremely high-resolution
images are anticipated after the November 26th encounter, when the NASA spacecraft will fly by the moon at a range of only 500 km - Sky and Telescope |
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