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 IndexSpacecraftMissions to the giant planetsCassini
Cassini Information
Image, some facts, science objectives (Cassini is currently planned to take a similar tour of the solar system as did Galileo.), links. Cassini flys by the Earth!
Cassini: Voyage to Saturn
Interactive menu with fine images "Welcome to the Cassini mission".
Cassini Quicklook
Spacecraft. Payload. Just the facts.
Cassini information from The Nine Planets
The science objectives. Key Scheduled Dates for the Cassini Mission. Links.
Cassini RPWS
Cassini: Radio and Plasma Wave Science (interactive menu). Links.
Cassini UVIS Internet Site
Information of the UVIS instrument, or Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph. Interactive menu.
Cassini page from Mark Wade's Encyclopedia Astronautica
Some facts about spacecraft, payload, financial/operational.
Cassini project description at the Illinois State Academy of Science.
Journey to Saturn
Cassini mission coverage by
SSE: Missions: By Target: Jupiter: Past: Cassini
Cassini page at NASA's Solar System Exploration.
CICLOPS, the Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations
University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Cassini Imaging page.
Visiting Saturn
Article about Cassini mission by NASA's Observatorium.
Cassini mission information by "Views of the Solar System".
The Cassini/Huygens Mission to Saturn
Fact file from National Maritime Museum/Royal Greenwich Observatory.
UCLA - IGPP Cassini Magnetic Field Investigation
Information on UCLA participation in the Cassini mission. Links to related resources.
Imperial College - Cassini Magnetometer Homepage
Information on a Cassini instrument developed by an international team headed by Imperial College's Space & Atmospheric Physics Group and related Imperial College activities.
NASA - Cassini-Huygens: Close Encounter with Saturn
Multimedia features, photos and the latest news updates on the spacecraft's close encounter with Saturn, its rings and moons.
Exploring Saturn
Cassini mission information and news by Space Today Online.
USGS Astrogeology & the Cassini-Huygens Mission
USGS Astrogeology involvement in the Cassini-Huygens Mission.
Astrobiology Art: Cassini-Huygens
Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and Titan image gallery by Astrobiology Magazine.
Information on Cassini-Huygens mission by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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