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 IndexExtragalactic ObjectsGalaxiesSpiral galaxiesBarred spiral galaxies (e.g., M83, M91, M95)
APOD: May 19, 1997 - Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1365
Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1365 image and description from Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Barred spiral galaxies
Comparison of infrared and optical observing tools for studying of mass distribution in galaxies.
JAGB: Optical Images
Optical images of barred spiral galaxies by Josй Antonio Garcнa Barreto.
BARS Project Home Page
Web page of the Barred And Ringed Spirals - an international project aimed at understanding the structure and dynamics of barred spiral galaxies.
ATNF Science Highlights 2002
The magnetic fields of barred spiral galaxies - A report on barred spiral galaxies observation at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) website.
A New Bar in the Center of the Milky Way
An article by Christophe Alard based on the observations performed by the 2MASS project.
How do bars form in spiral galaxies?
An answer by "Ask an Astronomer" at Cornell University.
Gas Flow in Barred Galaxies
A review of research on gas flow dynamics in barred galaxies by Princeton University astrophysisists.
Barred spiral galaxy
Information on barred spiral galaxies by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
ESO Provides An Infrared Portrait of the Barred Spiral Galaxy Messier 83
A press release of the European Southern Observatory.
Barred spiral
An article from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling.
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