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 IndexOur GalaxyStarsVariable starsDwarf novae
Stellar Evolution and Death -- Dwarf Novae
Introduction to origin and properties of Dwarf Novae with an image.
Dwarf Nova - from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy
An article from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy.
Astronomers Discover New Method of Estimated Dwarf Novae Distances
A news release from New Mexico State University.
Erupting Stars - The Dwarf Novae
Brief descriptions of several dwarf novae by Michael Poxon.
Accretion Discs in Dwarf Novae
An article at the website of Department of Astronomy of the University of Cape Town.
Dwarf novae and their outbursts
An article by Ulf Torkelsson from the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Gothenburg University.
Astronomers discover new method of estimated dwarf novae distances - New Mexico State University news release
Astronomers using the Fine Guidance Sensors of the Hubble Space Telescope to study dwarf novae unexpectedly discovered a new method of estimating the distances to these strange double-star systems, using their orbital periods and outburst brightness. In the process they learned that dwarf novae tend to be farther away and much brighter than previously thought.
Dwarf novae star concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition, main properties and examples of dwarf novae.
Dwarf nova
Information on dwarf novae by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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