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 IndexSpacecraftMissions to small bodiesVega
NSSDC Master Catalog Display: VEGA 1
Images. Some facts. Spacecraft and Subsystems. Venus Descent Module. Balloon Aerostat. Links.
Vega 1 in JPL Space Calendar
General information. Payload.
Vega page from Mark Wade's Encyclopedia Astronautica
Just the facts. Photo of Vega lander.
NSSDC Master Catalog Display: VEGA 2
Images. Some facts. Spacecraft and Subsystems. Venus Descent Module. Balloon Aerostat. Links.
Vega 2 in JPL Space Calendar
General information. Payload.
VEGA Mission
Some information about the international project VENUS-HALLEY. Some image processing results with explanations.
The Soviet VEGA Spacecraft
Some facts about the mission activities on it's first target - Venus.
Remote Scientific Sensors
Description of Vega and Venera spacecraft scientific instruments by Don P. Mitchell.
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