Pluto's Moon Charon Found To Lack Atmosphere |
Astronomers from MIT and Williams College were lucky enough to watch as Pluto's largest moon, Charon, passed in front of a star last summer. Based on their observations of the occultation, which lasted for less than a minute, the team reports new details about the moon in the Jan. 5 issue of Nature - Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
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Dying Star Reveals More Evidence For New Kind of Black Hole |
Scientists using NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer have found a doomed star orbiting what appears to be a medium-sized black hole – a theorized "in-between" category of black hole that has eluded confirmation and frustrated scientists for more than a decade - NASA |
Integral Identifies Supernova Rate For Milky Way |
Using ESA’s Integral observatory, an international team of researchers has been able to confirm the production of radioactive aluminium (Al 26) in massive stars and supernovae
throughout our galaxy and determine the rate of supernovae - one of its key parameters - ESA |
Mineral Analysis May Reveal Life On Mars |
Hunting for organic compounds is not the only way to find life on the Red Planet – there could be clues in the make-up of Martian rocks
- New Scientist |
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A Planet Colder Than It Should Be |
Mercury is boiling. Mars is freezing. The Earth is just right. When it comes to the temperatures of the planets, it makes sense that they should get colder the farther away
they are from the Sun. But then there is Pluto. It has been suspected that this remote world might be even colder than it should be. Smithsonian scientists now have shown this to be true - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
How The Universe's First Magnetic Field Formed |
The so called "seed" field arose within 370,000 years of the big bang, a new analysis suggests, offering clues as to how the first stars grew - New Scientist |
NASA's Topex/Poseidon Oceanography Mission Ends |
The joint NASA/Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales Topex/Poseidon oceanography satellite ceased operations after nearly 62,000 orbits of Earth. The spacecraft lost its
ability to maneuver, bringing to a close a successful 13-year mission - NASA/JPL |
Longest Laser Link Bridges The Gulf Of Space |
The furthest ever laser communication has been made across 24 million kilometres of space, between NASA's Messenger probe and Earth - New Scientist |
NASA Strikes $44 Million Deal For Soyuz Flights |
NASA will pay the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) $21.8 million per passenger for Soyuz rides to and from the International Space Station (ISS) starting this spring - Space.com |
2006: A Busy Year In Space |
The year looks set to be a packed one for arrivals and departures in the solar system, including missions to Pluto, Venus, Mars and a pair of asteroids
- New Scientist |