Cassini Shows Grandeur Of Two Saturn Moons |
New views of two of Saturn's moons, Titan and Tethys, represent the most detailed look at these moons to date and show a sharp contrast between them -- one is foggy and one is cratered - NASA/JPL/SSI |
SDSSp J1306: Precocious Supermassive Black Holes Challenge Theories |
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has obtained definitive evidence that a distant quasar contains a fully-grown supermassive black hole generating energy at the rate of twenty trillion Suns - Chandra X-ray Observatory Center |
Seismic Shaking Erased Small Impact Craters On Asteroid Eros |
University of Arizona scientists have discovered why Eros, the largest near-Earth asteroid, has so few small craters - University of Arizona |
Crisscrossing Streaks |
A gorgeous Dione poses for Cassini, with shadowed craters and bright, wispy streaks first observed by the Voyager spacecraft 24 years ago - NASA/JPL/SSI |
Kissing In The Kuiper Belt |
Until now, astronomers had found only two possible contact binaries of relatively large size. Now Scott S. Sheppard (Carnegie Institution of Washington) and David C. Jewitt (University of Hawaii) may have found a third example: a Kuiper-Belt object orbiting beyond Pluto - Sky and Telescope |
Young Stars Poised For Production Of Rocky Planets |
One of the currently hottest astrophysical topics - the hunt for Earth-like planets around other stars - has just received an important impetus from new spectral observations with the MIDI instrument at the ESO VLT Interferometer (VLTI)
- European Southern Observatory |
A Real Shiner |
Saturn's moon Rhea shows off the moon equivalent of a black eye - a bright, rayed crater near its eastern limb. The image was taken in visible light at a distance of about 1 million miles from Rhea - NASA/JPL/SSI |
The Youngest Lunar Rock |
A piece of the Moon found in Africa has the youngest date known for a lunar rock, 2.865 billion years. This age is several hundred million years younger than the youngest mare
basalt and about a billion years younger than any other lunar rock of its kind - Astronomy |
Next International Space Station Crew Named |
Veteran NASA astronaut John Phillips and seasoned Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev are the next crew of the International Space Station. Their six-month mission is set for launch in April 2005 - NASA |
Crater Hale In Argyre Basin |
These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, show Crater Hale in the Argyre basin of the southern hemisphere of Mars -