Spitzer And Hubble Capture Evolving Planetary Systems |
Two of NASA's Great Observatories, the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, have provided astronomers an unprecedented look at dusty planetary debris around stars the size of our sun - Space Telescope Science Institute |
Big KBO Got A Face-Lift |
Quaoar, an icy minor planet in the Kuiper Belt with half the size of Pluto, shows a surprisingly young face hinting at volcanic activity - Astronomy |
Star's Pulse Of Radiation Is Strongest Ever |
The brightest pulse of radiation ever seen has come from a pulsar nearly 12,000 light years away. Lasting less than 15 billionths of a second (15 nanoseconds), the burst was recorded by a massive radio telescope at Tidbinbilla in Australia - New Scientist |
A New Star In The Neighborhood |
A faint red star in the southern constellation Centaurus is one of our nearest neighbors, say astronomers in Scotland. They estimate it resides about 12 light-years away — only three times farther than Alpha Centauri
- Astronomy |
The 2004 Geminid Meteor Shower |
The best meteor shower of 2004 peaks on Dec. 13th. Sky watchers who stay outside for a few hours around midnight can expect to see dozens to hundreds of "shooting stars" - Science @ NASA |
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Anomalies Of The CMB |
A new analysis of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, the famous "echo" of the Big Bang, has revealed strange anomalies that may challenge the popular
"inflation" model of the early universe - Astronomy |
'Solar Ultrasound' Waves Discovered By Satellite |
The Sun's atmosphere is filled with ultrasound-like waves that may help solve decades-old mysteries about the Sun and space weather, according to Southwest Research Institute
scientists who found the waves in data from NASA's TRACE spacecraft
- Spaceflight Now |
Sun Storm Hits Comet |
Eruptions of matter from the surface of the Sun can create chaos in a comet's tail, astronomers have found. They have shown that three different coronal mass ejections in 2002 caused wobbles in the tail of comet Ikeya-Zhang - Nature |
ESA Astronaut Roberto Vittori To Fly To The ISS On Italian Soyuz Mission ENEID |
Roberto Vittori will be the next ESA astronaut to fly to the International Space Station, on the 10-day Italian Soyuz mission, scheduled to be launched on 15 April next year from
the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
- ESA |
Hubble Gets A Shot In The Arm |
The smoldering controversy over the future of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has flared up again. On December 8th, after a six-month study, a blue-ribbon panel of experts
recommended that NASA should do exactly what agency administrator Sean O'Keefe has said he won't do: return Space Shuttle astronauts to the orbiting observatory to make repairs and upgrades - Sky and Telescope |