Genesis Recovery Is Going Well |
After its crash landing, NASA scientists weren't too hopeful that they'd turn up much science in the wreckage of Genesis' sample capsule, but the results so far have been a
pleasant surprise - Universe Today |
How Genesis Crash Impacts Mars Sample Return |
NASA’s Genesis sample capsule not only stirred up dust and dirt when it crash landed in Utah last week, but also debate concerning the return to Earth of future extraterrestrial
samples – specifically from Mars - Space.com |
Stream Of Particles From Io |
Jupiter's moon Io is peppered with volcanoes spewing gas and dust up to 400 km (284 miles) high. You'd think that this material would all settle down again onto the moon, but something very unusual is happening: it's being accelerated to a velocity second only to the Sun's solar wind - Universe Today |
Glimpse At Swollen Stars Hints At Earth's Demise |
Global warming nowadays is nothing compared to what astronomers have just seen through the crystal ball of a telescope - Space.com |
The Universe: It's Not As Violent As We Think |
The Universe has experienced far fewer collisions among galaxies than previously thought, according to a new analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data by an ANU researcher -Australian National University |
I, RoboNet - Intelligent Telescopes Survey The Violent Skies |
British astronomers are celebrating a world first that could revolutionise the future of astronomy. They have just begun a project to operate a global network of the world's biggest robotic telescopes, dubbed 'RoboNet-1.0' which will be controlled by intelligent software to provide rapid observations of sudden changes in astronomical objects, such as violent Gamma Ray Bursts, or 24-hour surveillance of interesting phenomena - Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council |
SpaceShipOne Rocket Engine Gets Boost |
When SpaceShipOne screams skyward this month on a mission to win an international human spaceflight competition, its rocket motor will be more powerful than ever, according to its designers - CNN.com |
Radio Astronomy Will Get A Boost With The Square Kilometer Array |
In 2015, an array of 4400 twelve meter fully steerable paraboloid radio dishes, called the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is scheduled to be complete and operational - Universe Today
A Traveling-Wave Engine To Power Deep Space Travel |
A University of California scientist working at Los Alamos National Laboratory and researchers from Northrop Grumman Space Technology have developed a novel method for generating electrical power for deep-space travel using sound waves. The traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric generator has the potential to power space probes to the furthest reaches of the Universe - SpaceRef .com |
Now Boarding: Zero G Flights For The Public |
The Zero Gravity Corporation has been given the thumbs up by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to conduct "weightless flights" for the general public, providing the
sensation of floating in space - Space.com |