NSSDC Master Catalog Display: Spacecraft |
Image, some facts, description, scientific objectives, spacecraft and subsystems, mission profile, image of the landing site. |
Mars Surveyor '98 Lander |
Some facts about Mars Lander and its science objectives which will be accomplished using a number of scientific instruments, including a Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) instrument package. |
Mars Polar Lander |
Countdown To Mars Landing. Menu, Image, Landing Site. |
Malin Space Science Systems MARDI Info Page |
Quick-Facts. Links. |
Mars Microphone Home Page |
Description of the experiment to determine what sounds would be heard on the surface of Mars. |
MVACS Payload |
Image, menu, features(links). |
Mars Polar Lander page from Mark Wade's Encyclopedia Astronautica |
Some facts, detailed mission profile. |
Report: Scientists knew Mars Lander could set down in deep valley. |
An article by CNN.com. |
Delta II Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2 Media Kit |
Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space 2 missions description by the Boeing Company. |
SSE: Missions: By Target: Mars: Past: Mars Polar Lander |
Mars Polar Lander page at NASA's Solar System Exploration. |
Mars Polar Lander |
Information on Mars Polar Lander mission to Mars by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |