Astronomers Find Smallest Extrasolar Planet Yet Around Normal Star |
Using an armada of telescopes, an international team of astronomers has found the smallest planet ever detected around a normal star outside our solar system - Space Telescope Science Institute |
Surprise! Most Stars Are Single |
Contrary to what astronomy textbooks have been saying for years, most stars do not have stellar companions - Sky and Telescope |
Two Exiled Stars Are Leaving Our Galaxy Forever |
TV reality show contestants aren't the only ones under threat of exile. Astronomers using the MMT Observatory in Arizona have discovered two stars exiled from the Milky Way galaxy. Those stars are racing out of the Galaxy at speeds of more than 1 million miles per hour - so fast that they will never return - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Mars Rovers Advance Understanding Of The Red Planet |
NASA's Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have been working overtime to help scientists better understand ancient environmental conditions on the red planet. The
rovers are also generating excitement about the exploration of Mars outlined in NASA's Vision for Space Exploration - NASA/JPL |
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'Wrecking Ball' Could Break The Ice On Mars |
Hurling a massive copper ball at the Red Planet's mid-latitudes could reveal if water ice lies beneath its dusty crust, providing clues to the planet's climate - New Scientist |
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Feb. 3 Spacewalk To Be An Eye-Opener |
Three will leave the airlock, but only two will come back in. Valery Tokarev and Bill McArthur are scheduled to step into space from the Pirs airlock at about 5:20 p.m. EST Feb. 3. With them will be a third Russian Orlan spacesuit, empty except for electronic equipment that should attract considerable attention from students and others around the world - NASA |
Gravity Theory Dispenses With Dark Matter |
Incorporating quantum effects into Einstein's general theory of relativity can explain a trio of puzzling astronomical observations, new studies claim - New Scientist |
Supernova Data Multiplies |
In just 3 months, the SDSS had added significantly to the supernova tally. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has discovered 139 type 1a supernovae
- Astronomy |
Spacecraft Skin 'Heals' Itself |
A material that could enable spacecraft to automatically self-seal punctures and leaks is being tested in simulated space conditions on Earth - New Scientist |
XMM-Newton Scores 1000 Top-Class Science Results |
XMM-Newton, ESA's X-ray observatory, continues its quest for the unknown. This month, after five years of operations, the mission saw the publication of its 1000th scientific paper, corresponding to an equivalent number of results, in top-class scientific journals - ESA |