Glacial, Volcanic And Fluvial Activity On Mars: Latest Images |
These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, were released at the First Mars Express Science Conference this week. They show the areas of focused research - water, ice, glaciers and volcanism - ESA |
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Formaldehyde Claim Inflames Martian Debate |
Formaldehyde has been found in the martian atmosphere, according to a senior scientist working with the Mars Express orbiter. If correct, the discovery provides strong evidence that Mars is either extremely geologically active, or harbouring colonies of microbial life - Nature |
NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Continues Making New Discoveries |
NASA's Cassini spacecraft continues making new and exciting discoveries. New findings include wandering and rubble-pile moons; new and clumpy Saturn rings; splintering storms and a dynamic magnetosphere - NASA/JPL |
Martian Pole Reveals Ice Age Cycles |
Pictures of Mars's north pole have revealed a record of the planet's climate over the past 3 million years. The climate history is written in light and dark bands exposed on the sides of ice cliffs
- Nature |
Rainbows On Titan |
Saturn's moon Titan is wet, according to the ESA's Huygens probe, but Titan's "water" is not like Earth's
- Science @ NASA |
NGC 4395's Pint-Size Black Hole |
Astronomers using an innovative new technique for measuring the distribution of matter in distant galaxies have found an unusual black hole — the smallest of its kind discovered so far - Astronomy |
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Black Holes In A Radar Trap |
Using the X-ray Satellite XMM-Newton researchers measure velocities near the speed of light in the vicinity of cosmic mass monsters - Max Planck Society |
Quark Soup May Cause Cosmic Flashes |
Intense flashes of gamma rays in far-off galaxies might be produced by a bizarre kind of star, consisting of phenomenally dense material in which the particles that make up atomic nuclei have fallen apart
- Nature |
Gyro Sacrifice May Extend Hubble's Life |
Engineers are testing whether the Hubble Space Telescope should clip its own wings in an attempt to survive as long as possible without a servicing mission. Preliminary results suggest the new, scaled-down operating mode will buy the telescope an extra year of life - possibly until the end of 2008 - without sacrificing too much science - New Scientist |
Relief as Japan Satellite Launch Succeeds |
Japan successfully fired a state-owned satellite into orbit on Saturday in a key step toward restoring faith in its space program, 15 months after its previous launch attempt ended in failure - Reuters |