First Galileo Satellite On Orbit To Demonstrate Key Technologies |
The first Galileo demonstrator is in orbit, marking the very first step to full operability of Europe’s new global navigation satellite system, under a partnership between ESA and the European Commission - ESA |
Pulsar Racing Through Space Reveals Comet-Like Trail |
A team led by Dr. Patrizia Caraveo of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) in Milan discovered this cometary trail with data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray
Observatory Archive - Italian National Institute for Astrophysics |
The Cosmic Christmas Ghost |
Just like Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol takes us on a journey into past, present and future in the time of only one Christmas Eve, two of ESO's telescopes captured various
stages in the life of a star in a single image - European Southern Observatory |
China's Moon Orbiting Mission Takes Step Forward |
China's plans to send a spacecraft around the moon have reached a new stage, with the unmanned orbiter and rocket entering production and testing, China's top aerospace
official said on Thursday - Reuters (at yahoo.com) |
Einstein Equation Confirmed |
Scientists at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) proved Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2, is correct to 0.0000004 percent. The scientists' direct evaluation was 55 times more precise than previous tests - Astronomy |
Earth Aurora: Chandra Looks Back At Earth |
A team of scientists observed Earth’s north polar region ten times during a four-month period in 2004. As the bright arcs in this sample of images show, they discovered low-energy
(0.1 - 10 kilo electron volts) X-rays generated during auroral activity. Other satellite observatories had previously detected high-energy X-rays from Earth’s auroras - Chandra X-ray Observatory Center |
A Truly Grand Canyon |
A crescent Tethys shows off its great scar, Ithaca Chasma, for which the moon is renowned. The chasm is 100 kilometers (60 miles) across on average, and is 4 kilometers (2 miles) deep in places - NASA/JPL |
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Microbot Madness: Hopping Toward Planetary Exploration |
The success of NASA’s Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity has scored high points for the wheeled automatons, but another plan may one day have their robotic successors hopping - Space.com |
2005: The Year In The Solar System |
In 2005, scientists pieced together more clues in our understanding of the mysteries of the solar system. And the year yielded some exciting discoveries on Earth’s astronomical doorstep - New Scientist |
Gov't Issues Proposed Space Tourism Rules |
Regular tourist trips into space are still a thing of the future, but the government is getting ready for the eventual liftoff
- Associated Press (at yahoo.com) |