Sun |
Sun Statistics. Images of the Sun. Eclipse & Sun Movies(links). |
Geomagnetic (Sun) Storms/Viewzone |
Sun Storms. |
Sun Exhibit Contents |
Some Interesting Facts About the Sun. How We Depend on the Sun. What the Ancients Thought About the Sun. How the Sun Works. |
SPARTAN 201: NASA's mission to explore the Sun's corona. |
Sun Picture List |
Images of The Sun. |
Music of the Sun. |
The Sun, like some great orchestra leader, kept the beat going. |
StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Sun |
Our Sun is a star, just like the stars that twinkle in our night sky. |
Alien Astronomer - Sun, Our Star |
SUN: History of Scientific Observation, Composition and Structure, Sunspots, Magnetic Field, the Corona, Solar Wind, Solar Evolution. Links. |
Energy emission of the Sun. The structure of the Sun. The Sun spots. The atmosphere and the cromosphere. |
BASS2000: Solar Survey Archive |
A full disk archive of the Sun. |
Biography of a Star: Our Sun's Birth, Life, and Death |
Article from Teachers' Newsletter "The Universe in the Classroom". |
Sun |
Sun page by CyberSpace. |
The Solar System: The Sun |
Sun description with images. |
NOAO Image Gallery: Solar |
Various solar images in multiple resolutions. |
SOHO - exploring the Sun |
NASA's website describing mission and technology of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Images with descriptions are provided. |
SpaceWeather.com |
News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids. |
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch |
Current geomagnetic and auroral activity data by Solar Terrestrial Dispatch. Image gallery, discussion forum, impact predictions. |
Images of Sun |
Sun images from various missions by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
Our Sun |
An introductory article about the Sun by the Astronomy Magazine. |
A Virtual Tour of the Sun |
The Sun - A Multimedia Tour by Michiel Berger. |
Sun-Earth Connection Division |
Understanding the Sun, Heliosphere, and Planetary Environments as a Single Connected System is the goal of the SEC Division of Goddard Space Flight Center. Research directions and missions are described. |
Virtual Solar System by National Geographic Society |
Take a flyby tour of the sun and each planet in its orbit, observe planets and extraterrestrial weather patterns up close, and more. 3-d and 2-d versions are available. |
Oulu Space Physics Textbook |
One of the main tasks in space physics is to explain the Solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere - atmosphere coupling that is responsible for many important phenomena. A material provided by the University of Oulu in Finland. |
NASA Eclipse Home Page |
Eclipse Home Page at the NASA/GSFC Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum is continually expanding and strives to be the ultimate resource for online information about eclipses. |
NSSDC Photo Gallery: Sun |
Images of the Sun taken from the joint ISAS/NASA spacecraft Yohkoh and the National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak in Sunspot, New Mexico and provided by National Space Science Data Center. |
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report |
Regularly updated data on solar activity and geomagnetic field from DX-Listeners' Club in Norway. |
Yohkoh Movie Theater |
The Yohkoh Movie Theater is designed to bring you images and movies depicting our nearest star, the Sun, as seen by an X-ray telescope on board the Yohkoh satellite. A website of Lockheed Martin.
SUNSCAPES: Images of Our Magnetic Star |
Sun images from the exhibition that was shown in the National Academy of Sciences (February 19, 2002 -- August 15, 2002) at Lockheed Martin website. |
The Chromosphere |
The chromosphere is an irregular layer above the photosphere where the temperature rises from 6000В° C to about 20,000В° C. Information about the Sun's chromosphere at NASA's MSFC website. |
National Solar Observatory |
Latest solar data and images are available. |
Space Environment Center, NOAA, U.S. Dept of Commerce |
The Official Source of Space Weather Alerts, Warnings and Forecasts. |
Stanford Solar Center |
This site presents a collection of fun educational activities where educators and students can explore the Sun's tangled magnetic field, its turbulent surface motions, the dramatic sunspot cycle, and even what magic happens in the solar interior where instrumental eyes cannot penetrate. |
The Sun: A Pictorial Introduction |
A Slide Set by P. Charbonneau and O.R. White at the website of University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. |
The Sun and Stellar Structure |
An introduction to properties of the Sun at the Astronomy Notes website by Nick Strobel. |
NASA's Cosmicopia |
Cosmicopia contains an abundance (a cornucopia, if you will) of information about cosmic rays, the Earth's magnetosphere, the Sun, space weather, and other exciting topics in space science. |
MrEclipse.com |
A website related to eclipses and eclipse photography. Includes guides on observing eclipses, eclipse photography, introduction to eclipses for beginners. |
Solar System Live |
You can view the entire Solar System, or just the inner planets (through the orbit of Mars). Controls allow you to set time and date, viewpoint, observing location, orbital elements to track an asteroid or comet, and a variety of other parameters. Implemented by John Walker. |
National Solar Observatory |
News and current information on Sun exploration. Latest and live images of the Sun. On-line archive of major NSO data sets. |
On-Line Glossary of Solar-Terrestrial Terms |
Provided by the National Geophysical Data Center of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. |
The Magnetic Sun |
An article on magnetic fields on the Sun at Montana State University website. |
The Once and Future Sun |
This is the hypertext version of a public lecture given on 1997 June 12 at the Perkins Observatory in Delaware, Ohio, as part of the 1997 New Vistas in Astronomy lecture series.
Provided by Prof. Richard W. Pogge from Ohio State University Dept. of Astronomy. |
Current Solar Data |
Real time data and images of the Sun from various ground based observatories and spacecraft. Provided by N3KL.ORG. |
The Sun is a ball of Iron! |
A new theory of the Sun's origin and composition by Dr. Oliver K. Manuel from the University of Missouri at Rolla. |
Sky and Telescope - Observing - Celestial Objects - Sun |
Even a small telescope, properly filtered, will give a dramatic view of the Sun. Here's how to safely observe our star and what to look for. Articles on Sun observing by Sky and Telescope. |
NSO: Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) |
The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) is a community-based program to conduct a detailed study of solar internal structure and dynamics using helioseismology. In order to exploit this new technique, GONG has developed a six-station network of extremely sensitive, and stable velocity imagers located around the Earth to obtain nearly continuous observations of the Sun's "five-minute" oscillations, or pulsations. |
APOD: 2000 August 15 - The Solar Spectrum |
It is still not known why the Sun's light is missing some colors. Shown are all the visible colors of the Sun, produced by passing the Sun's light through a prism-like device. |
The Sun: A Nearby Star |
Introduction to Sun properties from the University of Tennessee's Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. |
Sunspot and Space Weather information pages of the SIDC |
Information from the Solar Influences Data analysis center of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. |
How the Sun fights the cosmic rays |
An article provided by European Space Agency. |
Sunspots, Solar Wind and Other Mysteries of Our Star |
Articles about the Sun by Space Today Online. |
Curious About Astronomy? The Sun |
Sun webpage by "Ask an Astronomer" service at Cornell University including links to relevant Internet resources. |
Data Services |
Data on the position of the Sun, its rise and set times, etc. from U.S. Naval Observatory. |
The Solar System: The Sun |
New York Times articles and links to relevant resources about the Sun. |
RHESSI Home Page |
RHESSI is a NASA Small Explorer. RHESSI's primary mission is to explore the basic physics of particle acceleration and explosive energy release in solar flares. |
Primer on the Solar Space Environment |
An article by the Space Environment Center of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. |
Sun |
Information about the Sun by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
NASA's Chandra Neon Discovery Solves Solar Paradox - NASA press release |
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory survey of nearby sun-like stars suggests there is nearly three times more neon in the sun and local universe than previously believed. If true, this would solve a critical problem with understanding how the sun works. |
The Sun |
Summary of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Sun research program. |
The Sun |
An online lecture at the Ohio State University website by professor Barbara Ryden. |
How the Sun Shines |
How does the sun produce vast amounts of energy necessary to support life on earth? An article by John N. Bahcall. |
Solar Sounds |
Solar sounds generated from 40 days of Michelson Doppler Imager data and processed by A. Kosovichev. A web page by the Stanford University. |
Sun -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
An article from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Astronomy Answers: AstronomyAnswerBook: The Position of the Sun |
This page answers questions about the position of the Sun in the sky. Provided by Dr. Louis Strous from the Utrecht University.
Whimpers from the Sun? - PPARC press release |
Solar physicists have observed the smallest ever coronal mass ejection (CME) - a type of explosion where plasma from the Sun is thrown out into space, sometimes striking the Earth and damaging orbiting satellites. The observation has come as a great surprise to scientists and has turned previous ideas up-side-down. |
APOD Index - Stars: Sun |
Sun images with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - The Sun |
A brief introduction to the properties and structure of the Sun at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Triggering Solar Mayhem |
Physical Review Focus article on a new solar flare theory by the University of Maryland astronomers. |
The Forefront of Space Science: The Solar Corona - Seeking the Source of its Activity and Heating |
Although the Sun is the star the most familiar to us, it still has many unsolved mysteries, for example, the high-temperature solar corona. This article introduces efforts to seek the source of coronal heating as well as expectations for the SOLAR-B satellite planned for launch in 2006. By Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
ISO Solar System Results Gallery |
Solar system objects images and spectra provided by ESA's Infrared Space Observatory. |
NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes Program |
The Solar Terrestrial Probes (STP) Program is part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate Sun-Earth Connection (SEC) theme. The primary goal of this theme is to understand our changing Sun and its effects on the Solar System, life and society.
Sun -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Brief definitions, notes and links to relevant resources on the Sun from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of the Sun from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
APOD Index - Stars: Sun |
Images of the Sun with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site. |
Introduction to Solar Observing |
An article by John Chapman-Smith provided by the Society for Popular Astronomy. |
SOLAR ECLIPSE: Stories From the Path of Totality |
Descriptions and video of latest solar eclipses as recorded by the Exploratorium team. |
Solar topics |
Articles related to Sun from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Solar Physics |
Solar Physics was founded in 1967 and is the principal journal for the publication of the results of fundamental research on the Sun. The journal treats all aspects of solar physics, ranging from the internal structure of the Sun and its evolution to the outer corona and solar wind in interplanetary space. |
Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field: A Tutorial (pdf) |
In this tutorial review we examine the properties of the fields and particles that constitute the solar wind and ultimately affect space weather and the underlying physical processes. In particular we discuss the role of the coronal magnetic field; the effect of the rotation of the sun; and the properties of the principal solar wind disturbance at 1 Astronomical Unit, the interplanetary coronal mass ejection. |
SunAngle |
An online tool that calculates solar angle data based on date, time, and location. Provided by "Sustainable by Design".
Planetary Satellite Physical Parameters |
The following tables provide known physical parameters for planetary satellites. From NASA JPL Solar System Dynamics website. |
Safe Sunwatching - Science@NASA article |
Never view the Sun directly with the naked eye or with any unfiltered optical device, such as binoculars or a telescope! If you're thinking of viewing the Sun, your first concern should always be eye safety. |
The Magnetopause - a tutorial at Space Science Center at University of California, Los Angeles |
The magnetopause is the interface between the shocked solar wind in the magnetosheath and the geomagnetic field and plasma in the magnetosphere. |
The Sun and related physics |
Sun description from the online astronomy course by Dr. David P. Stern. |
Sol |
An article about the Sun from the Sol Company's website. |
NASA - Sun |
An article about the Sun by World Book @ NASA. |
Welcome to T R A C E on-line |
The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer is a NASA Small Explorer (SMEX) mission to image the solar corona and transition region at high angular and temporal resolution. The TRACE project maintains an Open Data Policy: all data are available from our data archives to the science community as soon as the spacecraft data have been processed. |
Solar & Extrasolar Systems |
High-resolution images of some solar system planets and distant planet systems in the making provided by the Gemini Observatory.
The Solar System |
Images acquired using the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes, La Palma. Provided by the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Cambridge. |
The NOT Image Gallery - The Solar System |
Planet, comet and asteroid images taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope. |
Listening to the Sun - Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Gateway to Science |
Fifty years ago the world's best solar radio science was being done at a Dapto Dairy, just south of Sydney. |
The Sun |
Brief description of the Sun at the Journey Through the Galaxy website. |
Genesis : Search for Origins | JPL | NASA |
GENESIS - Discovery 5 Mission. Understanding the transition between star and planet. NASA's Genesis mission website. |
Sun |
A gallery of images of the Sun by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. |
Solar System Simulator |
Solar System Simulator allows to view planets as they would look from other planets or selected spacecraft. |
Sun Information, The Sun, Sun Protection at SPACE.com |
Stories, multimedia and news about the Sun. |
Earthsim - 3D Earth Screensaver, Mars, Jupiter, Solar System 3D browser and 3D Screensaver |
Earthsim is an online 3D Solar System browser, 3D Earth screensaver and 3D interactive encyclopaedia that brings the majesty of the Solar System to your PC. |
ULO: Solar images |
Images of the Sun from the University of London Observatory. |
Shields Up! - Science@NASA article |
If you've ever watched Star Trek, you know the importance of shields. When a star explodes or a Klingon death ray lances out
of the darkness, the captain yells two words, "Shields up!", and all is well. Deflector shields: Don't leave home without one. The solar system, believe it or not, has got one. |
H-alpha Solar Imaging |
Sun images by Gilbert A. Esquerdo. |
Hinode: Investigating the Sun's Magnetic Field |
Hinode (formerly Solar-B) mission webpages at NASA. |
The Origin of Mysterious X-ray Emission was Solar Wind! Suzaku Pinpointed Emission Lines from Solar Wind around Earth |
The X-ray astronomy satellite Suzaku, launched in July 2005, observed a mysterious enhancement event of soft X-ray background radiation. Using the detailed spectral data obtained from the satellite, its origin was apparently confirmed to be the charge exchange interaction of solar wind ions with neutral materials around the earth. An article by Ryuichi FUJIMOTO at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
A Massive Explosion On The Sun |
In December 2006, Japan's Hinode spacecraft observed a massive explosion on the sun. Researchers analyzing the data have now produced a must-see movie of the flare's magnetic underpinnings.
Living with a Star Program |
Living With a Star is a space weather-focused and applications driven research program. |
Astrophysicists Find Fractal Image Of Sun's 'Storm Season' Imprinted On Solar Wind - University of Warwick press release |
Plasma astrophysicists at the University of Warwick have found that key information about the Sun's 'storm season' is being
broadcast across the solar system in a fractal snapshot imprinted in the solar wind. |
Welcome to StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers |
The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Francis Marshall (Acting Director), within the Astrophysics Science Division (ASD) at NASA/GSFC. |
The Sun's Crowded Delivery Room |
An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at the Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
The Solar Space Station |
This website is intended for anyone who wants to know anything about the Solar System. |
BBC Science & Nature Homepage - Your travel guide to the Solar System |
REASONS TO VISIT - Experience an amazing variety of worlds, Run the gauntlet of floating rocks and boulders in the asteroid belt, Encounter the icy comets that wander through the outer Solar System. |
Triggering the Formation of the Solar System |
New data from meteorites indicates that formation of the Solar System was triggered by a supernova. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Sun may be smaller than thought - New Scientist article |
New calculations of how light propagates in the Sun's atmosphere may have resolved a puzzle over the Sun's true radius. |
Living with a Star - Science@NASA article |
What if you woke up one morning and found your whole planet had been swallowed by the atmosphere of a star? Don't laugh, it could happen to you, and NASA has a special program to deal with it. |
Source of Solar Wind Revealed by HINODE |
The solar wind affects our daily life, yet we do not really understand how and from where it blows. The solar observation satellite HINODE successfully performed the first direct observation of the origin of the solar wind. It is expected that this success will bring significant breakthroughs in the research on the solar wind?s many mysteries. An article by Taro SAKAO at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Current solar images from SDAC |
Latest ground- and space-based solar images in the archives of the Solar Data Analysis Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland USA. |
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics |
The Solar Physics Group at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center was formed in the early 1970's in conjunction with the Apollo Skylab Mission. These pages contain an overview of solar physics itself along with highlights of our own work, our current projects, and possible future missions.
Solar Theory Section - Naval Research Laboratory |
We study the causes of energetic and dynamic activity in the solar atmosphere, from the photosphere to the outer corona, using a combination of analytic methods, numerical simulations, and data analysis. Much of our work involves solving the equations of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), or some subset thereof, in order to understand the highly variable behavior of the magnetized, ionized gases in the Sun's outer layers. |
The Sun is Bristling with X-ray Jets - Science@NASA article |
Astronomers using Japan's Hinode spacecraft have discovered a major new form of solar activity: abundant x-ray jets. |
Voyager 2 Proves Solar System is Squashed |
NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft has followed its twin, Voyager 1, into the solar system's final frontier, a vast region at the edge of our solar system where the solar wind runs up against the thin gas between the stars. |
'Astronomical unit' may need to be redefined |
The standard yardstick to measure distances in the solar system will become increasingly imprecise as the Sun radiates away its energy. |