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 IndexHot NewsNews 14.02.05
First Measurement Of Titan’s Winds From Huygens
Using a global network of radio telescopes, scientists have measured the speed of the winds faced by Huygens during its descent through the atmosphere of Titan - ESA
Astronomers Discover Beginnings Of 'Mini' Solar System
Moons circle planets, and planets circle stars. Now, astronomers have learned that planets may also circle celestial bodies almost as small as planets - NASA/JPL
Bye-Bye Milky Way
Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) announced the discovery of the first confirmed case of a star leaving the Milky Way - Astronomy
Scientists Announce Smallest Extra-Solar Planet Yet Discovered
Penn State's Alex Wolszczan, the discoverer in 1992 of the first planets ever found outside our solar system, now has discovered with Caltech's Maciej Konacki the smallest planet yet detected,in that same far-away planetary system - Pennsylvania State University
Fly Me To The Moons
As NASA's Cassini spacecraft continues its looping orbit around Saturn's moons, astronomers are receiving a flood of new, close-up shots of the ringed planet's satellites - Sky and Telescope
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Do Brown Dwarfs Pulsate?
Brown dwarfs should pulsate when they're young, predict astronomers in Italy and France. Such pulsations may already have been detected in Orion - Astronomy
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String Revival - Are Cosmic Strings Behind Unusual Lensing Effects?
A U.S.-Ukrainian team of astronomers claims that the mysterious behavior of a double quasar near the Big Dipper can best be explained by an intervening loop of cosmic string - Scientific American
Arecibo's Sensitive New Eye Begins Massive Sky Survey - Perhaps Discovering That Starless Galaxies Exist
Fitted with its new compound eye on the heavens, the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Arecibo Observatory telescope, the world's largest and most sensitive single-dish radio telescope, early tomorrow [Feb. 4] morning begins a years-long survey of distant galaxies, perhaps discovering elusive "dark galaxies" - galaxies that are devoid of stars - Cornell University
Green Light For Deployment Of ESA's Mars Express Radar
The European Space Agency has given the green light for the MARSIS radar on board its Mars Express spacecraft to be deployed during the first week of May - ESA
Scorpion Robot Could Conquer Worlds
Planetary rovers may soon have an eight-legged mechanized side-kick to help them explore distant planets. The Scorpion robot is able to descend steep cliffs, climb rough terrain, and squeeze into crannies that are inaccessible to larger, wheeled vehicles - Nature
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