Triton |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by William Lassell in 1846. |
Nereid |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Gerard Kuiper in 1949. |
Naiad |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Thalassa |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Despina |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Galatea |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Larissa |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Proteus |
a satellite of Neptune, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989. |
Neptune |
Detailed information about Neptune by "Views of the Solar System" including images and animations. Contains links to moons descriptions. |
Neptune |
Planet information by Royal Observatory Greenwich. |
Neptune |
Planet Profile and Images. |
StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Neptune |
Neptun short description. |
Neptune in the Nine Planets Page |
Facts about Neptune, its satellites and ring system. Images and many links. |
NSSDC Photo Gallery: Neptune |
Photos were taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft: Neptune, Clouds, Satellites. |
Neptune's Ring System |
Ring System: Animations, Images. References. Related Web Sites. |
Neptune Fact Sheet |
Neptune: Bulk parameters, Orbital parameters, Observational Parameters, Mean Orbital Elements (J2000), Magnetosphere, Atmosphere. |
Neptune page at Astronomical Observatory of Padua |
Some facts about discovery, mass, structure, atmosphere, rotation, ets. Images of Neptune. Animations. |
Neptune's Great Dark Spot: Gone But Not Forgotten |
APOD's images Neptune's Great Dark Spot (May 8, 1996) with explanation. |
SSE: Planets: Neptune: Overview |
Properties and statistics of Neptune. |
Exploring The Planets - Neptune |
Neptune page by the National Air and Space Museum. |
The Planet Neptune |
Neptune page in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. |
Neptune |
Neptune page by CyberSpace. |
The Solar System: Neptunian System |
Neptune description with images by Sea and Sky. |
Images of Neptune and All Available Satellites |
Neptune images from various missions by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
Missions to Neptune - Explore the Cosmos | The Planetary Society |
List of missions to Neptune by the Planetary Society. |
Five new moons for planet Neptune |
Five new satellites - and one candidate moon - have been discovered orbiting the giant planet Neptune, bringing its tally of moons to 13 - news article by BBC NEWS. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about Neptune |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to Neptune including images made by HST. |
Neptune: Keck Adaptive Optics |
Adaptive optics images of Neptune provided by W.M. Keck Observatory. |
Neptune: Enigmatic Stormy Gas Ball |
Articles about planet Neptune and its exploration by Space Today Online. |
The Solar System: Neptune |
New York Times articles and links to relevant resources about Neptune. |
Neptune |
News stories about Neptune published by Universe Today. |
Neptune Satellite and Moon Data |
Neptune's known satellites information by the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii.
IOPW - Atmosphere Discipline: Neptune images |
Neptune images provided by the Atmosphere Discipline of the International Outer Planets Watch. |
Neptune |
Information on Neptune by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
The Case of the Pilfered Planet - Did the British steal Neptune? |
A Scientific American article on the discovery of Neptune. |
Neptune -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Articles on Neptune and its moons from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - Neptune |
A brief introduction to Neptune at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Neptune |
Neptune description from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Neptune: Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of Neptune from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
Neptune description from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Primary Neptune parameters and properties. |
NASA - Neptune |
An article on Neptune by World Book @ NASA. |
List Of Neptune Trojans |
Parameters of Neptune Trojans by the Minor Planet Center. |
Neptune |
Brief description of Neptune at the Journey Through the Galaxy website. |
SPACE.com: Neptune Information |
Neptune stories, multimedia and news. |