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 IndexMissions toVenus/Mars
Launched on November 7, 1996. is a backup of failed Mars Observer.
Launched on May 4, 1989: currently the last probe to Venus: made radar map of 99% of the Venusian surface at 300 m resolution.
The Mariner Mars spacecraft were the first US space probes to orbit Mars. The primary objectives of the Mariner Venus-Mercury mission were to conduct initial explorations of the planet Mercury while also making similar measurements of the planet Venus during the probe's gravity-assist flyby enroute to Mercury.
Mars Pathfinder
Launched on December 3, 1996: the probe successfully delivered a lander and a rover to the Martian surface on July 4, 1997.
Russian program of studying Venus by means of autonomous stations. 16 probes launched between 1961 and 1983.
Mission of two Soviet spacecraft to Venus and then to comet Halley. The first probe was launched on December 15, 1984, the second one - on December 21, 1984. Made the first images of a comet at a close distance (~10,000 km) which were in particular used to target Giotto (ESA) to a much closer (~500 km) fly by comet Halley.
Pioneer 12-13
Pioneer Venus Orbiter, launched 20 May 1978, was designed to perform long-term observations of the Venusian atmosphere and surface features. Pioneer Venus Multiprobe, launched 8 August 1978 carried 4 probes designed to perform atmospheric measurements.
Primary mission objectives were to obtain images of the Martian surface, examine the composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for evidence of life. Two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2 were launched on August 20 and September 9, 1975 correspondingly.
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