Quarsars from Lake Afton Public Observatory |
The Discovery of Quasars. What is a Quasar? Where Can You Find a Quasar? |
Quasars information from Astrophysical Directions |
The Discovery of Quasars. A long and interesting controversy arose among astronomers as to the nature of quasars. |
StarChild: Quasars |
Lesson for Young Astronomers. |
Formation and Evolution of Quasars |
What Feeds The Monster? |
Beacons in the Gloom |
Article from Teachers' Newsletter "The Universe in the Classroom". |
Early results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: From under our nose to the edge of the universe |
SDSS press release about newest discovery of most distant quasars with redshifts of up to 6.2. |
MERLIN : Radio galaxies and Quasars |
Radio galaxies and quasars page by the University of Manchester Jodrell Bank Observatory. |
The Quasars |
Quasars page by Padua Astronomical Observatory. |
Sea and Sky: Quasars |
Quasars brief description with images by Sea and Sky. |
Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei |
Introduction to Quasars and AGN by William C. Keel at the University of Alabama website. |
Quasars and AGN |
A list of the most accessible AGN by the Belmont Society. |
Quasars |
Active galaxies and quasars information at NASA's Imagine the Universe website. |
Quasars |
A gallery of quasar images by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. |
Chandra :: Photo Album :: Images by Category: Quasars & Active Galaxies |
Chandra's images of Quasars & Active Galaxies. Galaxies with unusually energetic activity, including high-energy jets, that is related to a central supermassive black hole. |
Quasars |
Introduction to quasars and active galaxies from the University of Tennessee's Dept. of Physics & Astronomy. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about quasars and active nuclei |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to quasars and active nuclei including images made by HST. |
Quasars: Near Versus Far |
All observed characteristics of quasars are customarily interpreted using the standard Big Bang model and the assumption that their redshifts are primarily due to the expansion of the universe. These same characteristics can also be interpreted using alternative models in which quasar
redshifts are not cosmological. An article by Meta Research, Inc., a scientific non-profit corporation. |
A Catalogue Of Quasars And Active Nuclei (9th edition) |
A catalogue prepared by Marie-Paule VÉRON-CETTY and Philippe VÉRON from France's Haute-Provence Observatory. |
Quasars & Active Galaxies |
Gene Smith's Astronomy Tutorial at the University of California, San Diego website. |
Quasars as Ejection Phenomena, and the Redshift Controversy |
Excerpts from the "The Vital Vastness -- Volume Two: The Living Cosmos" book at the Living Cosmos website, considering quasars as ejection phenomena from galaxies. |
Catalogue of Bright Quasars and BL Lacertae Objects |
Bright Quasars and BL Lacertae Objects list from a catalogue by Wolfgang Steinicke. |
Lecture 32: Quasars |
An online lecture at the Ohio State University website by professor Barbara Ryden. |
The Cosmological Constant and the Redshift of Quasars |
We explain the reason for which quasars appear to be unusual objects and have a large redshift, while being physically much closer to us than usually claimed. We explain how the redshift compatible with the luminosity distance relationship observed in galaxies is not observed in quasars. An article by Paul Marmet. |
Quasars & Active Galaxies |
An article by "Ask a High Energy Astronomer" at NASA GSFC. |
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, December 18, 2000: Through an X-ray Lens Brightly |
Astronomers using the Chandra X-ray observatory have observed that a distant quasar called RXJ 0911.4 0551, split into 4 separate images by the gravity of a foreground galaxy. |
How powerful are quasars? |
An answer by "Ask an Astronomer" at Cornell University. |
Lensed quasars: a matter of resolution |
An article at the website of the Institute of Astrophysics and Geophysics of the University of LiГѓВЁge. |
Gravitational Lensing in Astronomy |
An article by Joachim Wambsganss at Living Reviews in Relativity website. |
Cornell astronomers find key evidence supporting theory of quasars |
A Cornell University press release of June 6, 2005. |
A guide to QUASARS |
A brief overview of quasars written by Jon Talpur at Keele University. |
Quasars, cosmic evolution, and what I did on my spring vacation |
An overview of quasars by Kirk T. Korista from the Western Michigan University. |
Radio to X-ray Observation of Quasars |
This paper is concerned with the software requirements for an investigation of the characteristics of and mechanisms for producing the large amount of energy emitted by a quasar.
Written by Belinda Wilkes and Jonathan McDowell from Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. |
Alan Bridle's Image Gallery |
Images of radio galaxies and quasars from the NRAO's Very Large Array. |
MSSL Extragalactic Astronomy - Quasar Tour |
The images shown here are simulations of the inner regions of a quasar nucleus, based upon the most popular and/or successful models. A webpage by Liz Puchnarewicz from
Mullard Space Science Laboratory. |
An article by Halton Arp available on his website. |
Quasar |
Information on quasars by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Quasars are cosmic powerhouses dwelling in ordinary homes |
Quasars, the most brilliant of cosmic fireworks, appear to shine forth from normal galaxies, not the giant or disrupted ones astronomers expected, according to an international team
of scientists including researchers in Oxford's Astrophysics department. |
Redshift Gallery: Quasars |
The following table shows how quasars at different redshifts appear to us, both photometrically and spectroscopically. The data provided at Sloan Digital Sky Survey website. |
Quasars |
Astronomy course notes by Dr. Christian Kaiser from the University of Southampton. |
3C 273 |
3C 273, the object number 273 in the third Cambridge Catalogue of radio sources, is the brightest and at least one of nearest of all quasars. A Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) web page. |
Quasar concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Definition and main properties of quasars. |
Quasars -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Brief definitions, notes and links to relevant resources on quasars from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
APOD Index - Miscellaneous: Quasars |
Images of quasars with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site. |
Galaxy Evolution: Active Galaxies and Quasars |
A brief introduction to active galaxies and quasars at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Sloan Digital Sky Survey's SkyServer Advanced Science Project - Quasars |
One of the principal goals of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey is to find the most distant objects ever observed. The light from these distant objects has taken billions of years to reach us. So when we look at them, we are seeing them as they appeared billions of years ago. We are effectively looking backward in time. Looking at these objects can tell us about the early history of the universe. |
Astronomers See Inside A Quasar For The First Time - an Ohio State University research story |
For the first time, astronomers have looked inside quasars -- the brightest objects in the universe -- and have seen evidence of black holes.