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 IndexOur GalaxyNebulaeBright nebulaeSupernova remnants
Stellar Evolution and Death -- Supernova Remnant
Introduction to origin and properties of supernova remnants with images and examples.
Messier Object 1
Facts and description of Crab Nebula. Image and links.
Vela Supernova Remnant in Optical
APOD's photo (July 13, 1997) with explanation.
Supernovae Remnants information from Astrophysical Directions
Some facts. The diagram of the supernovae list.
Catalogue of Galactic Supernova Remnants (SNRs)
Interactive menu.
ROSAT Images of Supernova Remnants
A lot of images.
Stellar Evolution and Death -- Supernova Remnant
Introduction to origin and properties of supernova remnants with images and examples.
Chandra - X-Ray Sources - Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
Brief introduction to evolution of supernovae and supernova remnants with illustrations.
ROSAT Images - Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
X-Ray images of supernovae and supernova remnants with the ROSAT telescope.
Supernova Remnants
Supernova remnants page by Dr. David Burrows at Pennsylvania State University website.
The Top 10 Supernova Remnants
A list at the "Catching the Light" astrophotography website by Jerry Lodriguss.
Supernova remnants
Introduction to supernova remnants at NASA's Imagine the Universe website.
Supernovae, Supernova Remnants and Young Earth Creationism FAQ
Article by Dave Moore
Supernova remnants: Science's Belief of A Conceptually Simple Nature
An essay by Garret Wilson.
Supernova Remnants
A gallery of Supernova remnants images by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
ROSAT Atlas of Magellanic Cloud SNRs
A Catalog of ROSAT X-ray Images of Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants prepared at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Rutgers University.
The supernova remnants (SNRs) radio maps, optical and X-ray images (l=0-360deg)
Atlas of radio, X-ray and optical maps of Galactic SNRs. More than 1200 images obtained with ROSAT and Chandra are collected in the database at the website of Special Astrophysical Observatory in Russia.
HubbleSite - News Releases about supernova remnants
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to supernova remnants including images made by HST.
Best of AOP: Supernovae Remnants
Best Images of the Advanced Observing Program of National Optical Astronomy Observatory, available to the public at the Kitt Peak Visitor Center.
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, Sep 20, 1999: Chandra Observation of the Supernova Remnant Cas A
One of the first observations made by Chandra X-ray Observatory is this image of the X-ray emission from the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A.
Supernova remnant
Information on supernova remnants by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Introduction to Supernova Remnants
Provided by NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center.
APOD Index - Nebulae: Supernova Remnants
Images of supernova remnants with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site.
Supernova remnant concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition, main properties and examples of supernova remnants.
Supernova remnant
Supernova remnants description from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling.
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Supernova Remnant) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office
Images of supernova remnants from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery.
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery: Supernova Remnants
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center of the California Institute of Technology.
Cosmic Rays Accelerated by Supernova Remnants
An article by Yasunobu UCHIYAMA at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science.
Galactic Supernova Remnants Catalogue
The catalog contains observations for southern galactic supernova remnants (SNRs). The observations were made at 408 MHz with the one-mile cross-type radio telescope at the Molonglo radio observatory between 1969 December and 1971 June and were made at 5000 MHz with the Parkes 64-m radio telescope between 1968 May and 1973 April.
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