The Voyager Planetary Mission |
History of the Voyager Mission. Voyager Operations. Planets and Interstellar Mission. |
NSSDC: Voyager Project Information |
Some facts about mission. Some scientific results of the Voyager mission. Links. |
Voyager Cosmic Ray Subsystem |
Interactive menu: Mission, Objectives, Data, Instruments, Papers. |
The Voyager Home Page - MIT Space Plasma Group |
Well designed interactive menu with interesting information about Voyager 2 mission: Solar wind data measured by VOYAGER 2 up through September 29, 1999, Model Animations, Trajectory of Neptune, Special Events, etc. |
Voyager MAG Home Page |
Some facts about Voyager Magnetometer (MAG) Experiment: Instrument, Team, Planetary Encounters, Heliospheric Exploration, etc. |
JHU/APL Voyager LECP Information and Data |
One can get the information about Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) instrument and its function. Sections with links: General Information: Data Files/Graphics/Publications: Current Interest: Interplanetary Medium/Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM): Summary: Voyager Planetary Encounters. |
Voyager Spacecraft |
Some facts. Image. |
Spacelink - Voyager |
A lot of links with description. |
History of the Voyager Mission. Fact sheet. Some facts about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and theirs Moons. |
Voyager 1 |
Overview, Statistics, Project History and Spacecraft Design. Images of the Voyager scan platform and Voyager 1's launch. |
Voyager 1 information from The Nine Planets |
Just the facts. |
Voyager 1 at Nauts, Inc. |
Only image. |
Voyager 2 information from The Nine Planets |
If no unforeseen failures occur, we will be able to maintain communications with both spacecraft until at least the year 2030. |
Voyager 2 at Nauts, Inc. |
Only the image. |