VLT Images - Spiral Galaxies |
Images of several spiral galaxies taken with ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory (Atacama, Chile) - world's largest optical telescope. |
Spiral (and other Disk) Galaxies |
Description and comparison of visual properties of spiral and other disk galaxies. Introduction of Hubble classification scheme for spiral galaxies. |
Spiral Galaxies by Mike Guidry |
Description of properties of spiral galaxies. |
Messier Object 31 |
History of observing and properties of the Andromeda galaxy. |
Dust in Spiral Galaxies (Independent Release) |
COSMIC SILHOUETTES GIVE RARE GLIMPSE OF GALAXIES' DUST - press release from the University of Alabama. |
APOD: October 30, 1996 - Grand Design Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997 |
Spiral Galaxy NGC 2997 image and description from Astronomy Picture of the Day. |
APOD: December 20, 1998 - Edge On Spiral Galaxy NGC 891 |
Spiral Galaxy NGC 891 image and description from Astronomy Picture of the Day. |
Spiral Galaxies information from Leicester University Educational Guide to Space & Astronomy |
Classes of spiral galaxies. Rings and Bars in spiral galaxies. Mechanisms of spiral arms formation. |
Spiral Galaxies |
Description of visual properties and structure of spiral galaxies. |
Dwarf Spiral Galaxies Homepage |
Images of dwarf spiral galaxies. Paper discussing these objects, published in The Astronomical Journal |
Spiral galaxy stays young at heart |
New observational data reported by BBC News. |
Fabry-Perot Images of Spiral Galaxies |
Images by the Electronic Universe Project at the University of Oregon. |
A Near-Infrared Atlas of Spiral Galaxies |
An article by D.M. Elmegreen |
Spiral Galaxies |
Description of spiral galaxies with examples. |
Spiral and Irregular Galaxies |
An article about spiral and irregular galaxies with images by Jamie Reichlin. |
NOAO Image Gallery: Spiral Galaxies |
Descriptions and images of many of the spiral galaxies in multiple resolutions. |
The Online Planetarium Show: Spiral Galaxies |
Spiral Galaxies page by ThinkQuest Inc. |
Dust in Spiral Galaxies |
Images from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory providing the clearest mapping yet of the dust in spiral galaxies. A page by the Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University of Alabama. |
Spiral Galaxies |
Introduction to spiral galaxies from the Astronomy Department at the University of Maryland. |
Spiral galaxies |
Spiral galaxies description at "Knowing the universe and its secrets" website. |
Current Science Highlights: The Dusty Atmospheres of Spiral Galaxies |
Current Science at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. |
Ask the Experts: What process creates and maintains the beautiful spiral arms around spiral galaxies? |
An article at Scientific American.com. |
Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey |
The goal of the Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey is to create a database of deep, photometrically calibrated images of a complete magnitude limited sample of nearly 200 bright, nearby, well-resolved spirals. |
Gaseous halos of spiral galaxies |
A popular introduction to an exciting field of astronomical research: gaseous halos of spiral galaxies by Michael Dahlem. |
Pictures of Spiral Galaxies |
About 600 pictures as well as around 100 colour images of all spiral galaxies larger than 3 minutes of arc for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres collected by Alwyn Botha. |
Spiral galaxies |
Spiral galaxies images gallery by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about spiral galaxies |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to spiral galaxies including images made by HST. |
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, July 9, 2001: X-ray Flashers in M31 |
The most sensitive X-ray pictures of M31 have recently been obtained by the EPIC camera on the XMM-Newton observatory. |
Spiral galaxy |
Information on spiral galaxies by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Spiral galaxies |
Astronomy course notes by Dr. Christian Kaiser from the University of Southampton. |
Super-Sized Galaxy - Astronomy Magazine news article |
Astronomers have determined that spiral galaxy NGC 300 is considerably larger than previously believed. In light of this discovery, not only will astronomers have to adjust the known size of the galaxy, but they also will have to reconsider the sizes of other spirals. |
Spiral galaxy concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Definition and main properties of spiral galaxies. |
APOD Index - Galaxies: Spiral Galaxies |
Images of spiral galaxies with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site. |
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Spiral galaxies) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of spiral galaxies from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
SkyServer Famous Places - Spirals |
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey has taken images of more than 50 million galaxies. Many of these galaxies are spirals, like our own Milky Way. Below are some of the most beautiful
spiral galaxies that the SDSS has seen. |
Galaxies, Spiral, Nature of Spiral Arms |
An essay from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia by Ray Carlberg. |