The First Rock in the Solar System |
An aggregate of corundum, hibonite, and perovskite may be among the first rocks to form in the Solar System. An article by Steven B. Simon at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Meteoroids and Meteorites |
Information about meteorites classification and composition by "Views of the Solar System" including images of some of them. |
Meteorites |
Detailed description of meteorite types. Fine photos. Finding Meteorites. Radioactive Dating. Effects of an Asteroid Impact on Earth. |
Meteorites - Natural History Museum |
Information on origin and composition of meteorites by the Department of Mineralogy of the British Natural History Museum in London. Description of the museum's collection of meteorites. |
Meteors and meteorites |
Page about Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites by Royal Observatory Greenwich. Includes definitions of object types and information about some of the meteor showers. |
Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts |
Some facts about Meteors, Meteorites and Meteor showers. Meteorite Types. Here are educated guesses about the consequences of impacts of various sizes. Photos and a lot of links. |
Dawn of the Leonids |
APOD's photo (December 22, 1998) with explanation. |
Meteorites page at Astronomical Observatory of Padua |
Many photos with explanation. |
Meteorites from Antarctica |
Some facts and list of links. |
Observation of Meteoroid Impacts by Space-Based Sensors |
Complete article from the Mercury Magazine. |
International Meteor Organization |
The International Meteor Organization official website. |
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search |
NASA and Carnegie Mellon University Antarctic meteorites autonomous discovery initiative. |
Best view of the Leonid shower: Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign Homepage |
NASA Ames Research Center Leonid shower observation airborne campaign website. |
NASA aircraft tries to collect meteor data over Canada |
News article by Spaceflight Now. |
Meteor Observing Calendar |
Gary W. Kronk's Comets & Meteor Showers |
"Relicts from the Birth of the Solar System" by G. Jeffrey Taylor |
An article at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Meteors and Meteorites |
Meteors and Meteorites page in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. |
Meteorites and Their Properties |
Web edition of the tutorial on meteorites by David Kring of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the Department of Planetary Sciences, University of Arizona. |
Tunguska Home Page |
University of Bologna (Italy) Department of Physics webpage on Tunguska research. Information on Tunguska expeditions. |
Lunar Meteorites |
Washington University in St. Louis Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences's webpage on lunar meteorites. |
Advanced Meteor Observing - It's fun to record what you see |
An article by Sky and Telescope. |
Meteors and meteor showers |
An introductory article about meteors and meteor showers by the Astronomy Magazine. |
North American Meteor Network Home Page |
NAMN, founded in June 1995, is an informal group of over 500 individuals from across the world. Collects a large number of meteor and fireball observations. Contains news and information for meteor observers. |
Meteorobs - Meteor Observing Mailing List |
Email list 'meteorobs', and this Web site, are dedicated to discussions relating to meteor astronomy and observing. |
The Meteoritical Society - International Society for Meteoritics and Planetary Science |
The Meteoritical Society is a non-profit scholarly organisation founded in 1933 to promote the study of extraterrestrial materials and their history. |
MeteorShowers |
MeteorShowers is a mail list announcing upcoming meteor showers and special astronomical events with an emphasis on observations that can be done with the unaided eyes, binoculars, or small telescopes. |
MeteoriteTimes - Meteorite And Tektite Articles |
MeteoriteTimes.com is a monthly collection of meteorite and tektite articles devoted to the enjoyment, education, and preservation of meteorites, tektites, and impact structures. |
Gallery of Meteorite Images |
An extensive meteorite images gallery at the Meteorite Exchange, Inc. website. |
Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB) |
The RMOB is an independent initiative of some workers in the field of radio meteor scatter observations and data reduction. |
Leonid Meteors |
Leonid Meteors web page at Armagh Observatory. Includes observation reports and links to other Leonid sites. |
ANSMET - The Antarctic Search for Meteorites |
ANSMET is a program supported by grants from the Office of Polar Programs of the U.S. National Science Foundation and by the Solar System Exploration Division of NASA. Since 1976, ANSMET has been recovering meteorite specimens from the East Antarctic Icesheet - a total of over 10,000 as of today. |
Meteorites |
News stories about meteorites published by Universe Today. |
Meteorites -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Articles on meteors and meteorites from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - Meteoroids: Chunks of Space Debris |
A brief description of meteoroids with examples and images at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Meteors and Meteorites |
Articles on meteors and meteorites from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
SPA Meteor Section |
Recommendations for amateur meteor observers from the Society for Popular Astronomy. |
Meteorite Central - home of the Meteorite Mailing List |
Meteorite Central provides a meteorite mailing list for the purpose of providing a fast and efficient method to relay pertinent information regarding meteorites.
Meteor streams |
Of particular interest to solar system dynamics is the association of a parent (source) body with a specific meteor stream. The following table lists known meteor streams in chronological order of peak activity. In addition to the name of the meteor stream and time of peak activity, the associated parent body (where known) is also shown. |
Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) |
The NASA Meteoroid Environment Office (MEO) was established by the NASA Headquarters Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (OSMA) in October of 2004 as the NASA organization responsible for meteoroid environments pertaining to spacecraft engineering and operations. |
Subaru Astronomers Measure Meteoroid Tunnels in Earth's Atmosphere |
When meteoroids flash through the Earth's atmosphere, they bore tunnels through the air, leaving behind narrow meteor tracks that are heated by the collision of the fast-moving incoming object with atoms of highly diluted atmospheric gases. Most meteoroids are bits of space debris the size of a grain of sand. The width of the tracks they make has long been known to be narrower than a meter, but until recently, more precise measurements have been impossible to make. |
Interstellar Organic Matter in Meteorites |
Carbonaceous chondrites contain organic compounds with high deuterium/hydrogen ratios, suggesting they formed in interstellar space. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
New Lunar Meteorite Provides its Lunar Address and Some Clues about Early Bombardment of the Moon |
A newly discovered meteorite from the Moon provides a detailed record of its history, allowing scientists to make a reasonable guess about where it came from on the Moon and to test ideas for the timing of early impact bombardment. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research
Discoveries website. |
Meteorites on Ice |
Antarctic meteorites provide a continuous and readily available supply of extraterrestrial materials, stimulating new research and ideas in cosmochemistry, planetary geology, astronomy, and astrobiology. |
Mars Meteorite Home Page (JPL) |
Of the 24,000 or so meteorites that have been discovered on Earth, only 34 have been identified as originating from the
planet Mars. These rare meteorites created a stir throughout the world when NASA announced in August 1996 that evidence of microfossils may be present in one of these Mars meteorites. |
Meteoroid |
Information on meteoroids by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Meteorite |
Information on meteorites by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Tiny Molten Droplets, Dusty Clouds, and Planet Formation |
Roughly constant sodium concentration during chondrule crystallization suggests that these molten droplets formed in regions of the solar nebula that were enriched in rocky dust. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |