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 IndexHot NewsNews 16.05.05
NASA Resumes Work On Shuttle Flight To Hubble
NASA's new chief, Michael D. Griffin, has told the Hubble servicing team at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland to resume preparations for a possible shuttle flight to upgrade the orbiting observatory - Sky and Telescope
First MARSIS Boom Successfully Deployed
Thanks to a manoeuvre performed on 10 May 2005 at 20:20 CET, ESA flight controllers have successfully completed the deployment of the first boom of the MARSIS radar on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft - ESA
Swift Satellite Spies Cosmic Crash
A satellite that NASA sent to investigate mysterious energy bursts has succeeded in glimpsing its quarry. The data it is beaming to Earth support the leading theory that the bursts are generated by the dramatic collision of two neutron stars as they form a black hole - Nature
First Full Mosaics Of Titan’s Surface
As the large amount of data collected by the ESA Huygens probe during its descent onto Titan is being processed, new views of this fascinating world become available - ESA
Have We Cracked Saturn's Walnut?
Two oddities on Saturn's moon Iapetus could have a single cause. Both mysterious features could be the result of an ancient dust-up between the moon and one of Saturn's primordial rings - New Scientist
Solar Outbursts Protected Early Earth, Study Suggests
The early sun produced powerful x-ray emissions that may have helped to ensure the survival of our planet, scientists say - Scientific American
Lost Asteroid Clue To Pioneer Puzzle
Far-flung asteroids could help reveal the nature of the mysterious force that has nudged NASA's 33-year-old Pioneer 10 spacecraft about 400,000 kilometres off course - New Scientist
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Titan's Atmosphere Revealed By New NASA Observation
Titan's atmospheric winds, temperature and mixing have been revealed by new observations from the Cassini spacecraft - NASA
Whimpers From The Sun?
Solar physicists have observed the smallest ever coronal mass ejection (CME) - a type of explosion where plasma from the Sun is thrown out into space, sometimes striking the Earth and damaging orbiting satellites - Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Solar Sail Completes First Crucial Tests
A lightweight solar sail that could one day allow spacecraft to be propelled by the power of the Sun has passed its first crucial test - New Scientist
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