Star Clusters by Mike Guidry |
Some facts with examples. Runaway Collapse in the Globular Cluster M15? |
VLT Images - Star Clusters |
Images of several star clusters taken with ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory (Atacama, Chile) - world's largest optical telescope. |
Star clusters information from Anglo-Australian Observatory |
Some facts. A lot of images of Young open clusters and 'Old' star clusters. |
Star Clusters by A. Batman |
Some facts. List of images. |
Star Clusters information from Astrophysical Directions |
Some facts and picture. |
Star Clusters - Digital Images of the Sky |
Images of several star clusters with parameters of exposition included. |
Sea and Sky: Star clusters |
Star clusters brief description with images by Sea and Sky. |
Star Clusters |
Online lecture by James Schombert at the University of Oregon website on basic star clusters properties. |
Star Clusters and Nebulae within 10000 light years |
A map of the major star clusters and nebulae within 10000 light years. |
Open Clusters by the Season - Open clusters are pretty sights in any-sized telescope |
An article by Sky and Telescope. |
The Importance of Star Clusters in Understanding Stellar Evolution |
Astronomy course notes by David Hanes at Queen's University Astronomy Group website. |
Star Clusters |
Introduction to star clusters by Chris Clowes. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about Star Cluster |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to star clusters. |
Star Clusters |
Introduction to star clusters, their classification and evolution. A Review of the Universe website - Structures, Evolutions, Observations, and Theories. |
Best of AOP: Star Clusters (open and globular) |
Best Images of the Advanced Observing Program of National Optical Astronomy Observatory, available to the public at the Kitt Peak Visitor Center. |
Astronomy Answers: Universe Family Tree: Star Cluster |
A brief description of star clusters by Dr. Louis Strous from the Utrecht University. |
Caltech Astronomy : Palomar Observatory Star Cluster Images |
Astronomical Images from the Palomar Observatory. |
Star cluster |
Information on star clusters by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
An online lecture at the Ohio State University website by professor Barbara Ryden. |
The Star Clusters Young & Old Newsletter |
A bi-montlhy newsletter devoted to star cluster research linked to the WEBDA database @ Lausanne University. |
MOdeling DEnse STellar systems |
MODEST is a loosely knit collaboration between various groups working in stellar dynamics, stellar evolution, and stellar hydrodynamics. Our aim is to provide a software framework for large-scale simulations of dense stellar systems, within which existing codes for dynamics, stellar evolution, and hydrodynamics can be easily coupled. The MODEST web site is hosted by the manybody consortium. |
M31's Strange New Star Clusters - Astronomy Magazine article |
Our neighbor galaxy, M31, has at least seven star clusters that appear to be in a class by themselves. The new clusters each contain at least 100,000 stars, bearing a resemblance to globular clusters, but are much larger and much more spread out. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - Star Clusters and their evolution |
A brief introduction to star clusters at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Star cluster concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Definition, main properties and examples of star clusters. |
Star Clusters |
A brief introduction to star clusters' properties at the Journey Through the Galaxy website.
Star clusters. Open and Globular |
Images of star clusters by Gilbert A. Esquerdo. |
Galaxy Photography Star Clusters |
Star cluster images by Jason Ware. |
APOD: 2008 January 31 - Young Star Cluster Westerlund 2 |
Dusty stellar nursery RCW 49 surrounds young star cluster Westerlund 2 in this remarkable composite skyscape from
beyond the visible spectrum of light. |