NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri) |
Facts and description. Image and links. |
Messier Object 13 |
Facts and description of Hercules Globular Cluster. Image and links. |
Messier Object 3 |
Facts and description of Globular Cluster in Canes Venaciti. Image and links. |
Messier Object 15 |
Facts and description of Globular Cluster in Pegasus. Image and links. |
Blue Stagglers in Globular Clusters |
APOD's photos (November 4, 1997) with explanation. |
The Globular Star Clusters information from Astrophysical Directions |
Some facts. |
A Thousand Blazing Suns: The Inner Life of Globular Clusters |
Complete article from the Mercury Magazine. |
Images of globular star clusters |
Globular star clusters images by Italian Col DrusciГЁ Observatory at Associazione Astronomica Cortina website. |
Globular Clusters in the Andromeda Galaxy |
Data and Observing Notes by Steve Gottlieb |
ARVAL Catalog of Bright Globular Clusters (CГєmulos Globulares) |
A catalogue by the Observatorio ARVAL in Caracas, Venezuela. |
Globular Clusters |
Introduction to globular star clusters with examples by Chris Clowes. |
Catalogue of Milky Way Globular Cluster Parameters |
Compiled by William E. Harris, McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. |
Globular Cluster Group of the Padova Astronomy Department |
Includes a Data Base of Galactic Globular Clusters. |
The Top 10 Globular Star Clusters |
A list at the "Catching the Light" astrophotography website by Jerry Lodriguss. |
Globular Cluster Drawings |
Globular star clusters drawings by the Belmont Society. |
Durrell - Globular Clusters |
Introduction to globular star clusters from Patrick R. Durrell. |
Globular-Cluster Catalog |
This catalog is the Globular Cluster Catalog published by Halton C. Arp in 1965 as part of a review paper on globular Clusters. It is available at Russian Academy of Sciences website. |
HubbleSite - News Releases about globular star clusters |
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to globular star clusters including images made by HST. |
Globular cluster |
Information on globular star clusters by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
A galactic globular cluster database |
Compiled by Marco Castellani, Rome Astronomical Observatory. Based upon the Catalog of parameters for Milky Way globular clusters by William E. Harris. |
Catalogue of Variable Stars in Globular Clusters |
A catalogue prepared by University of Toronto astronomers. |
globularclusters - everything about globular clusters |
A Yahoo! group for discussion on Globular Clusters (inside our Galaxy as well as belonging to other galaxies) |
APOD Index - Stars: Globular Clusters |
Globular star cluster images with descriptions from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site. |
Globular cluster |
Globular star cluster description from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Globular star cluster concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base |
Definition and main properties of globular star clusters. |
Interstellar gas in a globular? - Astronomy Magazine article |
Astronomers have detected what may be the first interstellar gas ever found in a globular cluster. However, the amount of gas falls far short of theoretical predictions.
Relativistic Binaries in Globular Clusters |
Article by Matthew J. Benacquista at Living Reviews in Relativity website. |
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Globular Clusters) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office |
Images of globular star clusters from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
SkyServer Famous Places - Clumps |
Clumps are loose collections of stars, gas, or galaxies held together by gravity. Images by Sloan Digital Sky Survey. |
Hubble Yields Direct Proof of Stellar Sorting in a Globular Cluster |
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has provided astronomers with the best observational evidence to date that globular clusters sort out stars according to their mass, governed by a gravitational billiard ball game between stars. |
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery: Globular Clusters |
2MASS Atlas Image Gallery at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center of the California Institute of Technology. |
Galatic Structure, Globular Clusters |
An essay from the Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia by Kyle M. Cudworth. |
Globular Star Clusters - Information and Observations |
Recommendations for amateur star cluster observers. |