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Extragalactic Objects
Irregular galaxies (e.g., M82)
Irregular Galaxies
Description of two types of irregular galaxies with examples.
Irregular Galaxies page by SEDS
Some examples and links.
Irregular Galaxies
Properties of irregular and peculiar galaxies with examples and images.
Spiral and Irregular Galaxies
An article about spiral and irregular galaxies with images by Jamie Reichlin.
Cataloging Galaxies: Irregulars
Irregular Galaxies page by ThinkQuest Inc.
Irregular Galaxies - Zoom Astronomy
Irregular galaxies page by Enchanted Learning.
Irregular galaxies
Irregular galaxies page by Padua Astronomical Observatory.
APOD: December 18, 1999
Irregular Galaxy Sextans A.
Dwarf Irregular Galaxies: Not So Pristine After All
Astronomers have shown for the first time that dwarf irregular galaxies have their own history of build-up. A press release from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Star Formation in Irregular Galaxies: A Review of Several Key Questions
A scientific article by Deidre A. Hunter.
HubbleSite - News Releases about Irregular galaxies
Hubble Space Telescope news releases related to irregular galaxies including images made by HST.
Irregular galaxy
Information on irregular galaxies by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Irregular galaxy concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition and main properties of irregular galaxies.
Objects in the Messier catalogue(Irregular galaxies) : Photos by NAOJ PR Office
Images of irregular galaxies from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery.
Dwarf Irregular Galaxies: Not So Pristine After All
Astronomers have shown for the first time that even the smallest galaxies in the Universe have complex structures that indicate a complex history.
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