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Extragalactic Objects
Radio sources
Radio galaxies
HST Observes Radio Galaxies
Hubble Sees Detailed New Structures in Three Radio Galaxies.
Extragalactic Radio Sources
Introduction to two main categories of extragalactic radio sources with examples.
Radio Galaxies
Examples of Radio Galaxies.
Alan Bridle's Image Gallery
Images on this page are thumbnails, linked to larger (30-80k) versions.
The Jets in the Radio Galaxy 3C353
Abstract and contents (menu).
Physical conditions in extragalactic radio sources
Radio Galaxies research at University of Hertfordshire' Science and Technology Research Centre in UK.
Radio galaxies
Radio galaxies page by Padua Astronomical Observatory.
MERLIN : Radio galaxies and Quasars
Radio galaxies and quasars page by the University of Manchester Jodrell Bank Observatory.
Double Lobed Radio Galaxies
One kind of radio galaxies description at the University of Maryland.
A brief description of properties of radio galaxies
Article by Martin Hardcastle from the University of Bristol.
Recurrent activity in giant radio galaxies
Article from the "ATNF News" newsletter.
APOD: September 30, 1995
3C368 - An Energetic Radio Galaxy.
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, April 5, 2004: Jet Exhausted
An image of the radio galaxy 3C66B obtained by the XMM-Newton observatory, with contours of radio emission showing the orientation and shape of the radio jet.
Radio galaxies
Astronomy course notes by Dr. Christian Kaiser from the University of Southampton.
Radio galaxy concept from the Astronomy Knowledge Base
Definition and main properties of radio galaxies.
Radio Galaxies
A gallery of radio galaxy images by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Radio galaxy
Information on radio galaxies by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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