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 UpdateCometsUpdate of several famous comets
At its 10th observed return the comet 24P/Schaumasse is reported as being about 12.3 magnitude. It should reach nearly 10m at the end of April and early May as it will be approaching its perihelion on May 2, 2001. The comet is more favourable for observing from the Northern Hemisphere (ref.: JPL solution # K014/6).
C/1999 T2 (LINEAR)
Comet C/1999 T2 will be visible through the first half of 2001. It passed its perihelion in November 2000 and is currently observed at 13-14m in the night sky (ref.: JPL solution # 16).
C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley)
While C/1999 T1 reportedly has somewhat faded over the last month, it’s still visible at 9-10m and should be observable through the first half of 2001. The comet is most favourable for observing from the Northern Hemisphere (ref.: JPL solution # 45).
10P/Tempel 2
In summer 1999 periodic comet 10P/Tempel 2 comes back since its previous apparition in 1994 and passes the perihelion on September 8, 1999. The comet is now visible on the sky at about 10-11 mag. Download the comet's orbit update (ref.: JPL solution # 23).
C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
Famous comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) can be still observed from Southern hemisphere (at 12 mag), although it is already at distance of more than 9 AU from the Sun. Update its orbit and try to look for it (ref.: JPL solution # 134).
C/1997 BA6 (Spacewatch)
Comet C/1997 BA6 (Spacewatch) is visible over the entire 1999. Now it is at about 13 mag. and most favourable for observations from the Southern Hemisphere. Get the comet's orbital elemets to RedShift (ref.: JPL solution # 23).
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1
Periodic comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 had outbursts up to 11th magnitude till July 1999, and now it is unfavorably visible from mid-Europe. You are welcome to update the comet's orbit in RedShift (ref.:JPL solution # 19).
Another periodic comet 37P/Forbes came back after its 6-years' trip up to Jupiter's orbit. Check whether the gravity of that giant planet has affected the comet motion or not (ref.: JPL solution # 04).
Periodic comet 52P/Harrington-Abell came back to the Sun in January 1999 after its 7.5 years' journey round the Universe. In January it was visible on the skyvery close to Jager's comet (within 15 degrees). Download updated orbital elements of comet 52P/Harrington-Abell calculated on the base of its observation made in 1998 (ref.: JPL#34).
Just download our file to get the most current orbit of comet55P/Tempel-Tuttle based on its observations in 1998. This comet produces a rich meteor shower Leonids that encounters the Earth in November (ref.: MPC 31070).
Also, an update of orbital elements of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is prepared for you. This comet passed its perihelion on November 21, 1998 and was atabout 9th magnitude from late October to early December 1998 and remained still visible in January 1999 (ref.: MPC 25184).
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