Goes-12 |
GOES-12, launched in July 2001, will backup GOES-8 and GOES-10. Unlike other GOES satellites, GOES-12 has the ability to track space weather using its solar X-ray Imager (ref: NORAD data).
19:09:2001 |
Goes-L |
GOES-L, which will be renamed GOES-11 once it reaches its desired orbital position later in May, will serve as an on-orbit backup to GOES-10 and GOES-8 (ref: NORAD data).
01:04:2001 |
Goes-8 |
GOES-8 serves as GOES-EAST since May 1994 (ref: NORAD data).
01:04:2001 |
Goes-10 |
GOES-10 operates as GOES-WEST since August 1998 (ref: NORAD data).
01:04:2001 |
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