The Bone-Dry Moon Might be Damp |
Cosmochemists have written in stone that the Moon is almost totally devoid of water, but new analyses of volcanic glasses suggest that they need to do some editing. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
The Moon's Remnant Magnetism |
An image of the Moon showing various minerals found on the surface with explanation. |
Ice Found on the Moon |
Ice patches seen on Earth's moon. |
The Moon |
Moon Introduction. Moon Statistics. Moon Animations. Views of the Moon |
Moon Fact Sheet |
Moon: Bulk parameters, Orbital parameters, Atmosphere. |
Clementine images from the Moon |
The images of the Moon are returned by the Clementine Mission and processed under the direction of Dr. Paul Spudis. |
Exploring the Moon |
Exploring the Moon by the Lunar missions. |
Moon in the Nine Planets |
Some facts about the gravitational forces between the Earth and the Moon, the Moon's crust and craters. |
CEPS Moon Research - Understanding Moon |
Moon Images. |
Rocks and Soils from the Moon |
NASA's Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office lunar samples web page. |
Moon Nomenclature Table of Contents |
Moon Nomenclature Table of Contents. |
What If the Moon Didn't Exist? |
Article from Teachers' Newsletter "The Universe in the Classroom". |
Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon |
Big collection of Moon photographs. |
Inconstant Moon: multimedia tours of the lunar surface |
A guide to Moon observing and many other Moon-related materials. |
APOD: November 8, 1999 - Lunation |
Sequence of images of complete lunar cycle. |
"Lunar Meteorites and the Lunar Cataclysm" by Barbara A. Cohen |
An article at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Description of the planet with images. |
Sea and Sky: The Moon |
Moon brief description with images by Sea and Sky. |
The Origin of the Moon |
Two Planetary Science Institute senior scientists, Dr. William K. Hartmann and Dr. Donald R. Davis, were the first to suggest the leading modern hypothesis of the moon's origin. Their web page discusses the development of their theory. |
The Lunar Observer |
The Lunar Observer - an independent online monthly newsletter for students of the Moon, edited by William M. Dembowski. The Impact Ray Observer - a monthly newsletter of the International Bright Lunar Rays Project. |
Lunar Photo of the Day |
A service of "Observing the Sky" NASA-funded project. Keeps an archive of images. |
The Lunar 100: A selection of telescopic sights to ignite interest and enhance understanding |
A selection of the Moon's 100 most interesting regions, craters, basins, mountains, rilles, and domes from Sky and Telescope. |
Images of Moon |
Moon images by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
Exploring the Moon |
Lunar information including lunar atlas, lunar crater database, lunar science early papers and other data at the University of North Dakota.
The Moon as seen from the Northern Hemisphere |
Original Moon photographs by Michael Myers. |
Moon Phases Pictures |
This website contains: 2 complete photographic maps of the moon, pictures of the moon and quizzes about the phases of the moon. |
Origin of the Moon |
Papers presented at the Conference on the Origin of the Moon, held in Kona, Hawaii, October 1984, published by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. |
NASA Lunar Eclipse Page |
Eclipse Home Page at the NASA/GSFC Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum is continually expanding and strives to be the ultimate resource for online information about eclipses. |
Lunar Geology |
Lunar Geology is the study of the moons crust, rocks, strata, etc. Lunar information at NASA's Lunar Prospector website. |
The Earth's Moon |
Moon section in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. Orbital properties, tidal coupling, surface
properties, geological history of the Moon. |
Lunar Transient Phenomena Research Program by David O. Darling |
The purpose of the program is to assist the ground based observers with information on the technique of how to observe and document this phenomena. |
Earth and Moon Viewer |
Viewing the Moon from the Earth, Sun, night side, above named formations on the lunar surface. Or as a map showing day and night. Provided by John Walker. |
Moon Today - Your Daily Source of Moon News |
A daily listing of news stories, mission updates and scientific information on Moon by SpaceRef Interactive Inc. |
High Energy Astrophysics Picture Of the Week, September 29, 2003: See You On the Bright Side of the Moon |
One of the first uses of X-ray observatories was to try to determine the lunar composition by determining how X-rays from the sun react with atoms of different elements on the moon's surface. |
Curious About Astronomy? The Moon |
Moon webpage by "Ask an Astronomer" service at Cornell University including links to relevant Internet resources. |
Observation of the MOON |
Lunar and Planetary Observation and CCD imaging page by Antonio Cidadao. |
Data Services |
Data on phases of the Moon, its rise and set times, etc. from U.S. Naval Observatory. |
Prospecting for Lunar Water |
Settling alien worlds is thirsty work. So before sending people back to the Moon, NASA plans to send a robot first to hunt for water. An article by Science@NASA. |
Europe's innovative Moon probe SMART-1 is mapping the Entire Lunar Surface |
SMART-1 mission webpage by Space Today Online. |
The Race to the Moon |
The story of Sputnik and the space race by the TIME Magazine. |
Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century |
Papers from a NASA-sponsored, public symposium hosted by the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., Oct. 29-31, 1984. |
Moon |
News stories about Moon published by Universe Today. |
Astronomy Answers: AstronomyAnswerBook: The Moon |
This page answers questions about the Moon. Provided by Dr. Louis Strous from the Utrecht University. |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon |
A guide to telescopic observations of the moon by Akkana Peck, with help from many contributors. Provided by The Shallow Sky. |
Peaks of Eternal Light - Astrobiology Magazine article |
If a planet or moon has only a slight rotational tilt, a tall mountain or crater rim can be forever bathed in sunlight. In 1994, NASA's Clementine mission found candidates for such "peaks of eternal light" on the moon's north and south poles. Today, the European Space Agency's
SMART-1 spacecraft is orbiting the moon, hoping to confirm those peaks of light and find others as well. In this essay, SMART-1 principal scientist Bernard Foing explains why such sites would be ideal places for future bases on the moon. |
Astronomy Lecture Notes - The Moon |
A brief description of Moon with examples and images at the website of the University of Mississippi. |
Moon |
Information on Moon by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures |
These "Virtual Reality Moon Phases" were created by R. Schmidt from ray-traced images of the Moon. You can view the phase of the Moon for any date and time [1800-2199 A.D] -
U.S. Naval Observatory. |
Clementine - DSPSE |
Clementine mission information and Moon images by U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. |
The Moon Society |
An international non-profit educational and scientific foundation formed to further scientific study and development of the moon. |
Moon -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy |
Articles on Moon from Eric W. Weisstein's online encyclopedia of astronomy. |
Moon |
Moon description from the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight by David Darling. |
Image maps of the Moon provided by USGS Astrogeology Research Program. |
The Forefront of Space Science: Shall we return to the Moon? |
An article by Junichi HARUYAMA at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Photos by NAOJ PR Office: the moon |
Images of the Moon from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan image gallery. |
To Produce Lunar Gravitational Field Map: Toward Success of SELENE’s Micro Satellites, Rstar and Vstar |
An article by Takahiro IWATA at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
USGS Astrogeology: Historical Lunar Data Archive |
Download images and data from this collection consisting of products derived from Apollo, Lunar Orbiter, Galileo, Zond 8, and Earth-based observations.
Lunar Pyroclastic Volcanism Project |
This Web site features research results and data produced at the U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ as part of the Lunar Pyroclastic Volcanism Project, a research project funded by the NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program. |
Geologic History of the Moon by Don Wilhelms |
An online version of the book prepared and provided by Northwestern University Center for Planetary Sciences. |
U.S.G.S. Planetary GIS Web Server - PIGWAD |
Planetary Interactive G.I.S.-on-the-Web Analyzable Database. |
Lunar Meteorites |
Washington University in St. Louis Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences's webpage on lunar meteorites. |
The Full Moon Atlas : Lunar Navigator : Map of the Moon |
A complete series of interactive lunar maps, with more than 2,500 geographic formations (including craters, mountains, lakes, seas and valleys) identified simply by moving your mouse cursor over the feature. Website of the Lunar Republic Society. |
MOONPEOPLE - an Introduction to the Earth's Moon |
Learn about the Origin of the Moon, those confusing Phases, Blue Moons or Lunar eclipses and much more. |
The Lunascan Project is an Earth-Based Telescopic Imaging program using live CCD imaging technology to observe, document, and record LTPs (Lunar Transient Phenomena). The Lunascan Project website directories house some of the best lunar image links from around the world. Created by Francis L. Ridge. |
NASA - Moon |
An article about the Moon by World Book @ NASA. |
Libration of the Moon |
Observers on Earth can see a little more than half the surface of the Moon, thanks to processes known as
"librations." Provided by Dr. David P. Stern. |
Moonquakes - Science@NASA article |
NASA astronauts are going back to the moon and when they get there they may need quake-proof housing. The moon is shaking with "shallow moonquakes" that researchers don't fully understand. |
Google Moon - Lunar Landing Sites |
On July 20, 1969, man first landed on the Moon. A few decades later, we're pleased to cut you in on the action. Google Moon is an extension of Google Maps and Google Earth that, courtesy of NASA imagery (thanks, guys!), enables you to surf the Moon's surface and check out the exact spots that the Apollo astronauts made their landings.
The NOT Image Gallery - Moon |
Moon images taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope. |
Cassini Images the Moon |
Moon images by Cassini at Cassini imaging team website. |
The Two Sides of the Moon - Features - Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Gateway to Science |
It's been almost thirty years since the last mission to the Moon's surface, but the rocks brought back still create controversy. While we now explore the outer reaches of our solar system, there's still debate over the creation of our nearest neighbour, the Moon.
SPACE.com: All About the Moon |
Moon articles, news and image gallery. |
Earth's Moon |
Brief description of the Moon at the Journey Through the Galaxy website. |
Lunar Maps |
New hemispheric Moon maps provided by Ralph Aeschliman Planetary Cartography and Graphics. |
SPACE.com: Moon Information |
Moon stories, multimedia and news. |
PSRD Archive: Moon Articles |
Archive of moon articles by the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii.
Telescopic Tracking of Lunar Orbiter V Around the Moon |
A webpage by Dr. William C. Keel of the University of Alabama. |
The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (A.L.P.O.) |
The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (A.L.P.O.) was founded by Walter H. Haas in 1947, and incorporated
in 1990, as a medium for advancing and conducting astronomical work by both professional and amateur astronomers who share an interest in Solar System observations. |
Is the Moon Still Alive? |
Conventional wisdom says the Moon is dead. Conventional wisdom may be wrong. In the journal Nature, a team of scientists announced evidence for fresh geologic activity on the Moon. |
Moon Evidence Directory |
"...This evidence indicates that the Moon's surface in the more recent satellite imaging is essentially comprehensive
image tampering all over the whole globe so that little of the Moon's true surface geology is visible at all. So use
caution and think carefully about accessing this evidence if you aren't prepared to risk experiencing a significant
reality check". |
Chuck Wood's Moon |
"It's not really my Moon, of course, but during decades of studying it, both with a backyard telescope and as a NASA
scientist, I have had diverse opportunities to learn many interesting facts and stories that I'd like to share with you". |
Lunar News Network |
Lunar News Network is a blog dedicated to news about the U.S. Space Program and the return to the Moon. |
The Moon is a Junkyard: A Catalogue of Lunar Detritus |
This page is an attempt to catalogue the dozens of sites where human-built hardware lies, intact or shattered, on the lunar surface. Compiled by Kevin S. Forsyth. |
Recent Gas Escape from the Moon |
Gases may have escaped from the Moon as recently as a million years ago, implying that the lunar interior is not as lethargic as conventional wisdom dictates. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
Gamma Rays, Meteorites, Lunar Samples, and the Composition of the Moon |
Lunar meteorites provide ground truth to help calibrate orbital geochemical data, allowing an estimate of the composition of the entire Moon. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
New Lunar Meteorite Provides its Lunar Address and Some Clues about Early Bombardment of the Moon |
A newly discovered meteorite from the Moon provides a detailed record of its history, allowing scientists to make a reasonable guess about where it came from on the Moon and to test ideas for the timing of early impact bombardment. An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research
Discoveries website. |
The Biggest Hole in the Solar System |
An article by G. Jeffrey Taylor at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |