Earth |
Planet Profile. Mosaic of Earth and Moon. |
StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Earth |
Some facts about Earth from StarDate. |
Earth Fact Sheet |
Earth: Bulk parameters, Orbital parameters, Observational Parameters, Mean Orbital Elements (J2000), Magnetosphere, Atmosphere. |
NASA's Science Mission Directorate: Earth-Sun System |
NASA uses the unique vantage point of space to understand and explore our home planet and our home star in order to achieve our vision: To improve life here, extend life to there, and find life beyond. |
Intellicast - World Local Weather |
Weather for Active Lives. |
Earth and Moon Viewer |
Viewing the Earth above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, etc. |
Origin of the Earth |
Various Hypothesis. |
Earth page at Astronomical Observatory of Padua. |
Some interesting facts about Earth. Earth: Nucleus, Mantle, Crust. |
Earth, course by Nick Strobel |
Earth: Free Oxygen, Liquid Water, Life's Role in the Carbon Cycle, Cold Trap. |
SSE: Planets: Earth: Overview |
Properties and statistics of Earth. |
Exploring The Planets - Earth |
Earth page by the National Air and Space Museum. |
APOD: May 30, 1998 - Water World |
Earth picture by STS-45 Crew. |
"Origin of the Earth and Moon" by G. Jeffrey Taylor |
An article at Planetary Science Research Discoveries website. |
A Beginner's Guide to the Earth's Magnetosphere |
An article by Stanley W. H. Cowley. |
NASA's Observatorium -- Planet Earth |
Series of articles about Earth by NASA's Observatorium. |
The Terran System |
Earth description with images by Sea and Sky. |
Geomagnetic data index |
The HAARP Ionospheric Observatory of the University of Alaska uses numerous scientific instruments to study the earth's geomagnetic environment and to assess radio propagation conditions. Current geophysical data is available online. |
Images of Earth and All Available Satellites |
Earth images by NASA's Planetary Photojournal. |
What is the Magnetosphere? |
Introduction to Earth's magnetosphere at Marshall Space Flight Center's Space Plasma Physics website. |
The Earth |
Earth section in the Astronomy Lectures at the University of Tennessee. |
Earth |
Introduction to Earth properties - its internal structures, atmosphere, geological records. A Review of the Universe website - Structures, Evolutions, Observations, and Theories. |
Curious About Astronomy? The Earth |
A webpage on the Earth by "Ask an Astronomer" service at Cornell University including links to relevant Internet resources. |
The Solar System: Earth |
New York Times articles and links to relevant resources about Earth. |
Earth Spins Faster Inside Than Out - Astronomy Magazine news article |
Scientists have shown Earth's core spins faster than its surface, proving a long-suspected notion that our planet's interior rotates more like a fluid than a solid. |
MEASURING THE SKY - A Quick Guide to the Celestial Sphere |
An article by James B. Kaler, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, University of Illinois. |
Encyclopedia of Standard Planetary Information, Formulas and Constants |
This is an "in house" document geared for upper division students in the Astronomy or the Astrophysics fields. This Encyclopedia consists of Standard Planetary Information, Formulas and Constants. It was written by Chris Barnet and edited for HTML by Steve Duran. Provided by the Planetary Atmospheres Node of the Planetary Data System of NASA. |
Terrestrial Impact Craters, Second Edition |
An article and a slide set at the website of the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Compiled by Christian Koeberl and Virgil L. Sharpton. |
Quest to Solve the Mystery of the Birth of the Highest Energy Particles in Geospace -Research on the Radiation Belts- |
An article by Yoshizumi MIYOSHI at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
NASA's Cosmicopia -- Ask Us -- Earth and Moon |
NASA scientists answer your questions about cosmic and heliospheric science. |
Rock Around the Bow Shock: Cluster Data Sonification |
A Musical Encoding of Cluster Spacecraft sensor data as the 4 craft crisscross the Bow Shock region at the boundary of the Earth's magnetosphere and solar winds. A web page by the University of New Hampshire Experimental Space Plasma Group.
Cosmic Evolution - Planetary |
Articles on planetary evolution from the Cosmic Evolution website. |
Development of Lightning Discharge Observation - From the Troposphere to the Upper Atmosphere and on Planets - |
Lightning is a very common luminous phenomenon to us, but still has many unsolved mysteries. This article outlines the latest observations of and research into lightning, and introduces an observation plan of the solar system's planetary atmosphere with a space telescope now under planning. An article by Yukihiro TAKAHASHI at the website of Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science.
Planet Earth may have 'tilted' to keep its balance, say scientists - Princeton University news release |
Imagine a shift in the Earth so profound that it could force our entire planet to spin on its side after a few million years, tilting it so far that Alaska would sit at the equator. Princeton scientists have now provided the first compelling evidence that this kind of major shift may have happened in our world's distant past. |
Space Gas Vortices Carrying Source Particles of Aurora |
The Aurora shinning in the night sky is generated by high-speed charged particles entering the earth's
atmosphere. These charged particles originate from the solar wind. This article outlines the latest research and new discoveries regarding solar wind and the earth's magnetosphere, and introduces a future plan for
formation-flight observation by multiple satellites. An article by Hiroshi HASEGAWA at the website of Japan's
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. |
Strange but True: Earth Is Not Round - Scientific American article |
It may seem round when viewed from space, but our planet is actually a bumpy spheroid. |
USGS Global Visualization Viewer |
The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) is a quick and easy online search and order tool for selected satellite data.
Earth's atmosphere and environment |
A chapter from the Cambridge University Press Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics by Martin V. Zombeck. |
Earth |
Information on Earth by Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
Early Earth and Mars - Astronomy Magazine article |
A team of scientists has found that terrestrial planets such as the Earth and Mars may have remained molten in their early histories for tens of millions of years. The findings indicate that the two planets cooled slower than scientists thought and a mechanism to keep the planet interiors warm is required. |